
TRANSCRIPT: Rep. Ron Nate’s Interview with Kevin Miller on 580 KIDO

Representative Ron Nate talks about SB1067, the fallout and what’s next? Rep. Nate: I want to make it clear that if you read bill 1067 there is nothing in the bill regarding federal funding for child support or enforcement in Idaho. There is nothing in the bill regarding the tools of child support enforcement in […]


Wasting Our Natural Resources with Mismanagement

Reading Labrador’s report on the recent hearing of the National Resources Subcommittee on “federal” lands, we learned that from the ’50’s to the ’90’s, Lumber harvests were 10-12 billion board-feet annually, while an average of 3.6 million acres annually burned during that period.


The Devil Is In the Details & Paying Attention!

Idaho’s U.S. Representatives and Senators are absolutely NOT PAYING ATTENTION to all the hard facts and reality of the much hyped, mammoth and very deceitful ‘FREE Trade’ laws about to be foisted upon us. They are not paying attention because they keep saying that they believe in ‘free trade.’


Reply to U.S. Senator Crapo on His Pro-TPA Vote

Gem State Patriot readers: FYI, this is what I just sent back to Senator Crapo because he just voted for Obama’s TPA in committee on Wednesday. Crapo Supports Changes To Trade Bill. (see my comments below.)


Where Are The Battles Fought?

In a February 2015 CNN interview, a startling exchange took place between Chris Cuomo and Judge Roy Moore of Alabama. For those of you that may be unfamiliar with the subject matter, it was over the same-sex marriage issue. Roy Moore is the Supreme Court Justice for the State of Alabama, and had issued an […]


SB 1067 Created in Conjunction with UN to Fulfill the Objectives of Agenda 21

Much misinformation has ensued following the attempt to pass SB 1067, The Uniform Interstate Family Support Act, through the house where it was stopped. What most people do not understand is that this bill is not about child support, it is about the federal government subjugating Idaho to international law from a United Nations (UN) […]


Why Hillary Will Never Be President: Part One – The early years

The fact that Hillary Clinton would even be considered as a presidential candidate is astonishing. In an effort to offset the rising tide of conservatism, the Democrat party has opted to hitch its wagons to a tired old nag, calling it “historic.” Most of the Liberals interviewed are backing Hillary simply because she is a […]


Fighting on Two Fronts

Despite what the frustrated leftists say, Hillary’s scandals are factual. As more and more of hers and beloved Bill Clinton’s 1% lifestyles are exposed, not even their friends in the liberal mainstream media can cover up their international lobbying crimes.


Bad Guys Pushing THIS WEEK to Promote Global Tyranny Run by Corporations

Here’s How to STOP Them The powers-that-be are pushing this week to fast track a horrible treaty which would destroy America. The treaty is called the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP).


National Band of Mothers Tour to Visit Boise, ID

Meridian— A new kind of grassroots organizing is coming to Idaho when the Band of Mothers makes a tour stop in Meridian on May 16, 2015. It’s a public, fun-filled, daylong event capped with a mom’s and dad’s night out designed to catalyze and jumpstart local networks of parents so they can equip themselves to […]


Can Idaho Survive an EMP Attack – How to Prepare

Idaho and Iran’s nuclear threat. How Idaho can survive manmade and natural interruptions of the power grid. Iran has shown a devious nature in its dealings with just about everyone. Estimates run from Iran’s having several warheads to being capable of producing them within several months. They have launched satellites and are developing ICBM technology […]


Nullification Stops Federalization

Reprinted with Permission of The John Birch Society Last week, The New American magazine reported on Montana’s efforts to stop the federalization of its law enforcement. The state legislature passed and the governor signed into law House Bill 3030, effectively stopping the practice of using federal funds to buy military equipment or accept any equipment […]

Gem State Patriot News