
Open letter to Idaho Legislators on SB 1067

‘Media Maligns, Twists & Bullies Idaho Legislature’ Six years ago on Feb.16th, 2009 Newsweek magazine published a featured article on their cover: A red-hand grasping a blue-hand entitled, “We Are All Socialists Now!” America has traveled a long and dangerous road to get sucked into that vortex. Newsweek’s bottom line was America taxes & spends like […]


Why Hillary Will Never Be President: Part Two – Hillary’s War on Women

Hillary Clinton, the self-proclaimed champion of women’s rights, would like us all to believe that she is the cure for all that ails America’s women. She will continue to exploit that narrative throughout her run for president. There’s an interesting blend of irony and hypocrisy brewing that will give rise to a virtual tidal wave […]


The Question about Republicans

Firstly, I care about Republicans. Or at least have until recently, having voted Republican most of my life. It seems anyone can be young and naïve for at least a little while, buying into such as “Ask not what your country can do for you… and then the experiences of life and common sense finally […]


What is Money?

What is money? It seems like a very straight forward and simple question. Yet, when the question is posed, most people seem to have trouble describing exactly what it is and the function it is supposed to serve. Most think of money in terms payment for work, goods, or services either provided or received. But, […]


Hold the President Accountable to the Constitution

Reprinted with Permission of The John Birch Society Rep. Ted Yoho (R-Fla.) introduced a bill to help hold the president accountable to the Constitution. Congressman Ted Yoho (R-Fla.) has introduced House Resolution 198 on April 13, 2015 in an effort to rein in an increasingly out-of-control executive branch. This resolution specifically defines “impeachable offenses” as […]

News Podcast

PODCAST: Elizabeth Hodge on the Northwest Liberty Academy

Bob Neugebauer interviews former State Rep. Elizabeth Allen Hodge about the Northwest Liberty Academy. Visit this link to learn more:


Sen. Crapo commends State Legislators who discovered problems in SB 1067

Sen. Mike Crapo commends the Idaho State Legislators who discovered the problems in Idaho’s child support bill, SB 1067.


PODCAST: Bob Neugebauer interviews Elizabeth Hodge about the problems with SB 1067

Bob Neugebauer interviews former State Rep. Elizabeth Allen Hodge about the problems with SB 1067 Child Support Legislation


FCLC Summer Day Camp

We invite your family to consider our Summer Day Camps this June. We are offering 3 weeks of Incredible summer fun at in incredibly reasonable cost. Each day begins and ends in God’s Word, and is filled with fun and safe games, activities, and crafts.

News Newsletter Index

Gem State Patriot Newsletter – Volume 33

Welcome to the new, web-based Gem State Patriot newsletter. Instead of a single PDF file, this newsletter is interactive, allows comments and discussion, and can be easily shared via social media. Please enjoy the following articles included in this edition of the Gem State Patriot.


Who is Really to Blame for the SB1067 Conundrum

Governor Otter and his cronies are playing the same tune on SB1067 as they have played on each and every bill that the governor and his corporate, lobbyist’s friends want to get passed. The name of that tune is “Show Me the Money.” For the past week the Governor and leadership have been twisting arms […]


The Benefits of Being a Government Employee — Just Ask Teresa Luna

Marty Trillhaase Finally Gets One Right. In the Opinion section of the Idaho Statesman we find our bozo reporter of the Lewiston Tribune beating up on Governor Otter for his handling of Teresa Luna’s resignation from the Department of Administration. Evidently we must have a new policy for letting employees go from a government job. […]

Gem State Patriot News