
Donald Trump’s Mouth Is a Nuclear Weapon

The biased, clueless liberal mainstream media are in shock and awe. They have no idea why so many Americans love Donald Trump. But the answer is so simple and clear. Just ask any conservative.


What We Didn’t Hear From Hillary

While last week’s Benghazi hearing focused on what former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said, it’s what she didn’t say that should have everyone concerned.


Special offer on Entrepreneurism Course


Chmelik and Shamley Cover Federal Lands Recovery Update with Benewah County Group

Jim Chmelik, agent for the Western Landmark Foundation and Doyle Shamley with Veritas Research Consulting discussed new strategies for the recovery of Idaho Public Lands in St. Maries, Idaho, on Thursday the 29th. The event, sponsored by the Benewah County Republican Liberty Caucus (RLC) was well attended for such a small mountain town.

News Newsletter Index

Gem State Patriot Newsletter – Volume 44

Welcome to the latest edition of our web-based Gem State Patriot newsletter. This interactive newsletter allows comments and discussion and can be easily shared via social media. Please enjoy the following articles included in this edition of the Gem State Patriot.

News Opinions / Op-eds

Evolving tactics have not changed tea party mission

Originally published here Conservative organizations have been battling with establishment Republicans for the past five years. In retrospect, the 2010 takeover of the House by Republicans was achieved because of conservative groups like the tea parties who were fed up with President Obama’s agenda.


Taking Politics out of our Schools

At last Tuesday’s West Ada School Board meeting there was no shouting out about recalls, just quiet understanding that this new board is in listening mode.


“Get Over it” No Recall of West Ada School Board

In a recent OPED published by the Statesman Mr. Oppenheimer, tried to infer that the problems with the West Ada school district were about Dr. Clark?


No Improprieties on Secret Tax Committee Meetings?

So why didn’t the committee notify taxpayers?


Legislative No-Shows for Life Chain Event

It was Sunday, October 4, 2015 when Pro Life groups gathered for their annual Life Chain event, where people from all over assembled at the Boise Mall and lined the sidewalks holding signs protesting abortion in a peaceful assembly.


RX for Lobbyist Disease

A most debilitating disease for the health of our Republic is one that could be called Lobbyist Disease (LD).


ISAA’s ‘Constitutional Carry’ Campaign Completes Successful Rallies

The Idaho Second Amendment Alliance (ISAA) concluded a five city speaking tour of the state on Saturday, October 3rd at the Coeur d’Alene City Park with a large crowd of Second Amendment supporters who wish to see the organization’s push to get ‘Permitless Carry’ which is often called ‘Constitutional Carry’ signed into law in Idaho.

Gem State Patriot News