
Can Idaho Survive an EMP Attack – How to Prepare

Idaho and Iran’s nuclear threat. How Idaho can survive manmade and natural interruptions of the power grid. Iran has shown a devious nature in its dealings with just about everyone. Estimates run from Iran’s having several warheads to being capable of producing them within several months. They have launched satellites and are developing ICBM technology […]


Nullification Stops Federalization

Reprinted with Permission of The John Birch Society Last week, The New American magazine reported on Montana’s efforts to stop the federalization of its law enforcement. The state legislature passed and the governor signed into law House Bill 3030, effectively stopping the practice of using federal funds to buy military equipment or accept any equipment […]


Media Rush to Aid Climate Alarmist Tia Nelson

Reprinted with permission of The New American magazine Bloomberg Business, Newsweek, Salon, Slate, MSNBC, Associated Press, the Huffington Post, and dozens of other establishment media outlets are all in hyperventilation mode over alleged “censoring” of Wisconsin state employees, who are, supposedly, “banned” even from discussing or mentioning global warming or climate change.


PODCAST: Bob Neugebauer interviews Doug Traubel and Jason Casella

Bob Neugebauer interviews Doug Traubel and Jason Casella about Constitutional sheriffs, the NDAA, indefinite detention, and other important subjects.


Tea Party Bob’s response to the Idaho Statesman’s Editorial Board

In an obvious attempt to place blame and rip conservative Republican members of our legislature, your editorial claimed our legislators should have taken advantage of the drop in gas prices and raised the gas tax by 25 cents per gallon to $.50. Continuing with the Governors standard message you claim that $262,000,000 is needed to […]

Opinions / Op-eds

SB 1067: Idaho Doesn’t Always Twirl by Rep. Ronald M. Nate

It’s not right for Idaho to be bullied into losing protections for Idaho children and families just to keep a few more federal dollars, writes Rep. Ronald M. Nate (R-34) Our dog, Boo, never twirls just because she wants to. But, when my daughter holds a treat in the air and says, “Twirl,” Boo jumps […]

Opinions / Op-eds

SB 1067: Reasons Behind the Holding of SB 1067 by Rep. Lynn M. Luker

Concern has been raised about the Idaho House Judiciary and Rules committee holding SB 1067. Holding the bill was about protecting the due process and privacy rights of our citizens, and protecting the integrity of our state’s ability to study and analyze issues independent of the coercive threats of the federal government. On the surface, […]

Opinions / Op-eds

SB 1067: Comments from Dale Pearce

These comments are written in response to this article. Our intent in opposing this bill on the international-dead-beat-dads is that the bill originated out of The Hague, the UN headquarters for The International Criminal Court. Of course those judges know quite a lot about global law that seeps out of the 192 nations, kingdoms, potentates, […]

News Newsletter Index

Gem State Patriot Newsletter – Volume 32

Welcome to the new, web-based Gem State Patriot newsletter. Instead of a single PDF file, this newsletter is interactive, allows comments and discussion, and can be easily shared via social media. Please enjoy the following articles included in this edition of the Gem State Patriot.


The GOOD, The BAD, and The UGLY

If publicly asked the question “Do you agree more with the tax-and-spend philosophy of Ronald Reagan or Barack Obama,” I would predict that every member of Idaho’s super-majority republican legislative caucus would respond with Reagan. However, the results of the 2015 legislative session will be difficult for most lawmakers to explain during the next campaign […]


SB 1067: King Otter Doesn’t Care About State Sovereignty

Just a quick comment on bill 1067 covering child support payments and acceptance of a treaty that will subject Idaho to foreign laws and data searches. We already have laws on the books to cover child support issues. The Governor and his minions at the liberal media are bringing out the “boogeyman” scenarios to scare […]


Tax Them Till They Cry

Well folks the legislative session is over and the people we elected to office have once again outdone themselves. They have given us a few new dumb laws and regulations but the real kicker is the big fat $95 million tax increase with a 7 cent increase in the gas tax they passed late last […]

Gem State Patriot News