Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Stealing from Peter to pay Paul who donates to the Campaign

Why is it that government has to stick their nose into picking winners and losers by subsiding companies with our money when they have shown time and time again that they are unaccountable to the public for the money we give them? Their job is to provide an acceptable economic and tax environment equally for […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Governor’s State of the State Message: More Spending and Promises – No Tax Cuts or Solutions

Lots of talk from Governor Otter’s State of the State message about education and improving our technical and vocational education efforts, but no talk about how they are going to fund these programs. This is something Steve Ackerman and I have been talking about for some time that our school system has been lacking. He […]


Integrity in Government

This past weekend, the Republican Central Committee Body voted out a party rule “Integrity in Government”, I respect the vote of the committee and the integrity of its members. This is our process and I respect it. I support this rule because I truly care about the people in my community. We as Republicans have […]


Breaking: Ahrens Suspends Senate Campaign

Danielle Ahrens announced today that she will suspend her campaign for Idaho State Senate, District 1. Sitting with Redoubt News today, she explained her decision. “It is a numbers game,” Ahrens explained.” When you are splitting the vote against a 20 year incumbent, with a set supporter base, you only have a slim margin to […]


Tell your legislators “NO!” to Idaho’s secret gun committee

As the 2016 session begins today, we march toward Constitutional Carry once again. This year Rep. Ron Nate and Rep. Heather Scott have been working together to put together a Constitutional Carry bill for Idaho citizens. Whatever version of Constitutional Carry they bring forward must be heard in the open and the fate of that […]


Idaho Legislators Visit Burns Oregon

Idaho State Representatives Judy Boyle, Heather Scott, and Sage Dixon were among a group of western state legislators who traveled to Burns, Oregon last Saturday (January 8, 2016) on a fact finding mission. We were among a selected group of state legislators invited by an Oregon legislator because of our commitment to liberty, freedom and […]


Obama on Guns

When guns are outlawed and confiscated, then only outlaws in and out of government will have guns to control the citizens. It appears that Obama is working to join Hitler, Mao, Stalin, Lenin and Castro to disarm citizens. Gun control laws do not control crime because crimes are not committed by guns. Crimes are committed […]


Fantasy Wealth vs True Wealth

The experiences of my youth have molded me into a fiscal conservative. Though no man is an island, there had been a number of times in life where the only thing that could be counted on was my own entrepreneurship, ingenuity, and effort. Thank God I live in a country that gave me the freedom […]


Term Limits vs. Unlimited Good Work

Very often someone says [essentially] that the answer to career politicians’ opportunistic abuses and violations of their public’s trust and the sacred oaths they took to our Constitution is to get rid of them rotely thru TERM LIMITS. Appreciating that frustration full well, it does feel good to vent the expression ‘get rid of them […]


The Power of the Purse: The Subsidy Plan

Little remembered today outside of a few scholars, James T. Young was a progressive Professor of Academia for the University of Pennsylvania at the end of the nineteenth century and into the twentieth century. He wrote what would become one of the most important text books on the American Government for over fifty years. His […]


But what can I do? – The Camp Followers of the American Revolution

A little recognized fact of the American Revolution was the contribution – indeed, the critical needs fulfilled – by women during the American Revolution. They acted as cooks, maids, laundresses, water bearers and seamstresses for the always-moving Patriot army in order to free up the Minutemen to fight, and they were the bulk of George […]


Wrong-Way Republicans

The Conservative Right seems to operate from a general assumption that things keep getting worse because liberals are in power and democrats win all the elections. However, I got curious and did a little research on the topic. I discovered that over the past 20 years, republicans have held 57% of the control of our […]

Gem State Patriot News