
Obama’s Two-front Migration ‘Surge’

– Reprinted with the Permission of The New – “Refugee Resettlement” and “Unaccompanied Minors” are presenting a double threat to our economy, our national security, and our social order. The Obama administration’s plan to “surge” Syrian refugees into the United States is back in full-tilt mode. And unless the American public and the U.S. […]


Hayden Area Tea Party’s GOP Stars “Meet & Greet” On Wed. April 20th at New Location

The Hayden Area Tea Party proudly announces its first “Meet and Greet” of what it considers the stars of the GOP, those with the best voting records and the most promising platforms supporting liberty, rule of law, fiscal responsibility and the pursuit of minimizing government control of our lives. Speaking for 5 minutes each will […]

News Newsletter Index

Gem State Patriot Newsletter – Volume 54

Welcome to Volume 54 of the Gem State Patriot newsletter. This interactive newsletter allows comments and discussion and can be easily shared via social media. Please enjoy the following articles included in this edition of the Gem State Patriot. Need a website?I can help. Open Letter on Freedom of Choice in Healthcare by Bob “Nugie” […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Open Letter on Freedom of Choice in Healthcare

Dear Legislator: I’m not sure how bill S1231 came into existence, but I’m sure it had nothing to do with the modernizing of language as stated in you statement of purpose. This is an out and out retraction of services that have been allowed by Chiropractic physicians for many years, and it makes us wonder […]


We Have Seen the Enemy and He is Us!

We seriously are own worst enemy! There is absolutely nothing more harmful to Americans and our way of life than our own complacency and refusal to pay attention to how our elected officials vote on very important issues and how they are allowing untold thousands of restricting and strangulating taxes, laws and regulations being foisted […]


Bonners Ferry JBS Chapter Hosts William F. Jasper Speaking Event

Well known editor of The New American, William F. Jasper spoke to a capacity group at an event on Thursday March 10th at the Providence Bible Presbyterian Church in Bonners Ferry, Idaho. Jasper is senior editor of The New American magazine and .com edition which are news outlets of The John Birch Society (JBS). The […]


What Gun Fight?

Senate Bill 1389, currently pending for discussion before the Idaho Senate State Affairs Committee, seeks to amend Section 18-3302 of the Idaho Code. Commonly referred to as the “Constitutional Carry Bill” it begins with a reminder that “We The People” of Idaho, are governed only to the extent we consent to be governed, which reads […]


John Green Announces Candidacy for Sherriff of Kootenai County

Republican, John Green, has announced his candidacy for Kootenai County Sheriff. Green, a constitutional attorney and former Deputy Sheriff, has 39 years of relevant legal and criminal justice experience. He has “hands on” experience in virtually every facet of Law Enforcement, including having worked in the jail, on patrol, as a detective and sergeant. His […]


Open Letter to all Patriots – Martin Armstrong on Finicum murder

Dear Patriots, I wanted to share this link from Martin Armstrong’s Blog who I’ve been following for several years now. He has many interesting insights on pertinent topics of our time. I have found his site to be worthy of news without personal bias or media hype. He is calling out the government on many fronts […]


Restoring the Party of Lincoln

The Republican Party has lost its way. Media interference in the election process and the actions of some GOP leaders and Presidential candidates may have irreparably fractured the Party and cost us the Presidency and both houses of Congress. Do you really think Republicans are flocking to the party to vote for Donald Trump? Or […]


To the voters in Legislative District 2

On March 10th, 2016, I, Alan Littlejohn (Republican), filed to seek the office of State Representative, District 2, Seat B. The office is currently being held by Eric Redman. We worked very hard 2 years ago to get Eric elected. We thought he would be a great person to represent north Idaho instead of Mr. […]


The Spreading Epidemic of Tribalism in America

‘We will now have wealthy little Sharia compounds on Indian reservations’ “Officials in a small Montana town say they will have to disincorporate the community or declare bankruptcy over an ongoing dispute with the Blackfeet Tribe about water and utility service…lawsuits filed by the Blackfeet Tribe, Two Medicine Water Company and certain tribal members have […]

Gem State Patriot News