
BILL: Bible Over Butch

Governor Otter vetoed the school Bible bill on April 5. He was characterized in an April 10 editorial in the Coeur d’Alene Press: “In his wisdom and no small amount of courage…” Well, I still will go with the Twelve Apostles of JESUS as my role models, who, except for one, were martyred for their […]


The Destruction of Western Civilization – Rule by a Tiny Elite

Hello, this is Darrell Castle! Today, we are going to continue – and also conclude – our six-week-long discussion of Western Civilization: how it met with destruction, what that means for us today, and, if it is gone, what has replaced it? What used to be known as European Civilization, or Western Civilization, was burned […]


Dual and Dueling Economies – the American Economy and the ‘National Indian Economy’

It is easy to imagine thousands of Sears and K-Mart stores sprinkled across the country. It took each of these corporations over one hundred years, including many national economic downturns and corporate bankruptcy periods to reach a point that in November 2004 resulted in K-Mart acquiring Sears for a venture encompassing assets worth 11 billion […]


Operation Choke Point: Choking American Businesses

I was surprised how many have not heard of Operation Choke Point or understand its effects, so I decided to write a blog about it. The investigation that Justice Department officials have dubbed “Operation Choke Point” came to light in March 2013. The Justice Department claims to have instituted the program in 2012 to “attack […]


Northwest Liberty Academy 2016 Symposium Speakers

This year’s speakers include Lawrence Reed, President of Foundation for Economic Education; Connor Boyack, President, Libertas Institute; KrisAnne Hall, Constitutional Educator, Speaker, and Author; Matt Shea, Washington State Representative; and many more. Click here to download the speaker flier.


Deja’ Vu

“Those that fail to learn from history, are doomed to repeat it” — Winston Churchill All is not what it appears Why does most real change happen only after tragedies and disasters? Is it because the voices of those who are warning of future dangers are drowned out by special interests and those too pre-occupied […]


Idaho Senators Taylor and Church Promoted ‘The New World Order’

The United Nations was not even three years old when there were already attempts to change its charter and give it more power. Supporting those efforts were Idaho Democrat Sen. Glen H. Taylor and Republican Sen. Alexander Wiley of Wisconsin who introduced a Senate resolution to do just that: “Whereas, in order to achieve universal […]


Frustrated with Politics?

Most Americans are fed up! Our freedoms and commerce are being attacked by big government. Our politicians must change what they are doing or America will die. Click here to download a printable copy of this flier.


Event: Bill Jasper on the agenda behind the refugee crisis

Thursday, May 19th, 2016 at Centerplace (2426 N Discovery Pl, Spokane Valley, WA 99216) at 7:00 PM. Tickets are $5 per person.

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

More Unnecessary Corporate Influence in the Education of our children.

PLEASE SHARE THIS IMPORTANT MESSAGE Why did the Meridian Chamber of Commerce decide in their ultimate wisdom that they should wade in on the recall issue of the West Ada School District? Our question is why is a business organization getting involved in a school board recall? It all comes down to money, power and […]


Kootenai County GOP Holds ‘Lincoln Day Dinner’ Without a Shot Fired You can download the above PDF file by clicking here.

Gem State Patriot TV

Dr. Jason West, from Doctor to Citizen Legislator Speaks With Bob Neugebauer

Why is a highly successful Doctor like Jason West willing to give up 3 months a year of his practice to be a Representative for District 28 in Idaho? Listen to his story and you will see why this man is willing to become a citizen legislator.

Gem State Patriot News