
Aristotle, Duty, and the Health of a Nation

Having grown-up in the 50’s, 60’s, and early 70’s, I was the product of the times, and can say beyond a shadow of a doubt, — that I was a self-absorbed idiot, — pretty much a pleasure seeker wondering aimlessly through life, — a harmless fun-loving guy. A mental diet of TV, sports, pop music, […]


Heartland Institute: Deluders or The Deluded?

Constitutional Reform via Con-Con Promoted How can an outfit like the Heartland Institute who is on the correct side of so many issues such as opposing Climate Change be so wrong about promoting Constitutional Reform by way of an Article V Constitutional Convention? The question must be asked, “Are they the deluders or the deluded?” […]


Dear Donald, Stop Picking Winners and Losers, Please

Cut Taxes, All the Regulations and Energy Costs Possible, Negotiate Good Trade Agreements and Quit the Subsidy Insanity No one wants to see Pres. Elect DJT succeed more than yours truly. Mr. Trump’s, Carrier Air Conditioning project served as a useful tool to make a statement while saving some jobs, but should not be implemented […]


Crave ‘Truth and Reality’

The majority of Americans today are utterly clueless about ‘truth and reality’ while accepting the skillfully presented poisonous lies being fed us from the propagandists in the education sector, big media news and the entertainment industry that don’t square with actual facts. Also, Americans are entirely too trusting of all elected politicians. Believe nothing they […]


Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty

President elect Trump’s victory was a miracle as the odds against him winning were huge. He had not only the Democratic Party, but also the main-stream media, the Washington Establishment, Neoconservative Republicans and likely widespread voter fraud where no photo ID was required to vote. The “deplorable” working class Americans voted Trump to drain the Washington […]


Idaho County Commissioner Jim Chmelik’s letter to Donald Trump

Mr. President Elect Trump, you have given hope to a vast majority of Americans, not because you promised to do something for them; rather you promised Americans the opportunity to succeed based upon their abilities and the opportunity to accept the responsibilities that are tossed down before us. For this I am grateful, thank you. […]


Fewer Americans Trust Mainstream Media

— Published with permission from The New — ➡ Click Here to get Infringed by Alex Kincaid ⬅ When Michael Goodwin, a 10-year veteran writer for the New York Times, saw the extent of the bias displayed by the Times in its coverage of the recent presidential election, and by the mainstream media in general, […]


Funding to Domestic Programs Being Cut to Fund Illegal Immigrant Minors

— Published with permission from The New — The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) reports that the Department of Health and Human Services is cutting funding to domestic programs to pay for room and board for illegal alien youths. HHS must come up with $167 million to cover the costs to feed and shelter […]


Is China Going to Grab Internet Control?

— Published with permission from The John Birch Society — So far, First Amendment free speech rights have been protected on the virtually uncensored Internet. However, this stream of constant updated information could be transformed into a global nightmare. On October 1, the Obama administration allowed the oversight of the Internet to be passed on from […]


Expose’ On Media Lies and Deception — Part 3 of 3

Tangled Webs: Google, Microsoft, Facebook, the Internet Giveaway, and the Wild, Wild West of Information “WE KNOW WHERE YOU ARE. WE KNOW WHERE YOU’VE BEEN. WE CAN MORE OR LESS KNOW WHAT YOU’RE THINKING ABOUT.” — Eric Schmidt (62) The last of the big three masters of manipulation (63) is Google, and they are arguably […]


Expose’ On Media Lies and Deception — Part 2 of 3

Tangled Webs: Google, Microsoft, Facebook, the Internet Giveaway, and the Wild, Wild West of Information German Chancellor Merkel, (33) speaking at a press conference with out-going President Obama on 11-17-16, reinforced what ship we will soon see coming to the internet port; censorship. She christened the surge of populist or right wing politics as a […]


Expose’ On Media Lies and Deception — Part 1 of 3

Tangled Webs: Google, Microsoft, Facebook, the Internet Giveaway, and the Wild, Wild West of Information The use of lies and deception, or as the new term coming into vogue; fake news, has been a standard tool of the trade for over a century by the government and their willing and/or unwilling stooges in the main […]

Gem State Patriot News