
Why Ryan Zinke will Expand Federal control as Interior Secretary

Montana U.S. Representative Ryan Zinke’s appointment as U.S. Secretary of the Interior by President Elect Donald Trump must be stopped. Montana U.S. Representative Zinke, U.S. Senator Daines, U.S. Senator Tester, Governor Bullock and AG Fox are all holding hands with the feds and the Montana reservation tribes NOT THE MAJORITY OF THE MONTANA PROPERTY OWNERS […]


Update on Congressman Ryan Zinke’s List of Works on behalf of Tribes

This is not good for those of us fighting for our rights! We have to find a way to stop this appointment. I am not sure what that is but focused prayer is the only thing I can think of immediately Hi Folks, you may want to share this widely with your email lists and […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

A Tribute to Judy Neugebauer (6/7/48 – 12/8/16)

This is a very sad time for me as I have lost the love of my life, my wife, my best friend and my soul mate. Judy and I were married for 28 years this past August 20th and each and every one of those years was a delight because we were truly lifetime partners. […]


Putin Would Prefer Hillary

Let us suppose that Vladimir Putin did successfully ‘hack’ election computers in our Presidential election. So now the question really comes down to who he would have preferred dealing with as our next president. Would he have preferred a guy he doesn’t know, whose successful business career has been built on accountability and credible relationships? […]


Texas Congressman Proposes ‘Permanent’ Fix for Social Security

— Published with permission from The New — Congressman Sam Johnson (R-Texas), chairman of the House Ways and Means Social Security subcommittee, presented his plan, the “Social Security Reform Act,” on Thursday, which he called “a plan to permanently save Social Security.” His proposal involves the same solutions often proposed by others trying to […]


Critics Slam Congress for Creating an Orwellian ‘Ministry of Truth’

— Published with permission from The New — Under the guise of countering foreign “propaganda,” the GOP-controlled Congress quietly passed a bill last week that will unleash even more government propaganda on humanity, while at the same time establishing what critics blasted as an Orwellian “Ministry of Truth.” The “bipartisan” but flatly unconstitutional scheme, […]


Company Some Label ‘Fakebook’ Vows to Censor ‘Fake’ News

— Published with permission from The New — Will it be just a clamp-down on what’s fake or an unfair shake? That’s the question now that social-media behemoth Facebook has vowed to combat “fake news.” As Business Insider reports, “Facebook is going to start fact-checking, labeling, and burying fake news and hoaxes in its […]


Opportunity to Advance Election Integrity and Bible Use Legislation

Idaho’s citizens have the opportunity to help advance proposed legislation for the 2017 legislative session. During the 2016 Republican convention, delegates from throughout the state passed three resolutions advocating specific legislation to be enacted by the Idaho legislature. Now is the time for those delegates and other citizens to remind the Republican legislature that “We […]


When Cultures Collide

The Barbary Wars of the early 1800s were America’s first encounter with Islam. Barbary corsairs and crews were engaged in the capture of merchant ships off the Barbary Coast. This not only involved the capture of ships and property, but also the taking of crew members for ransom and slave trade. The North African Ottoman […]


North Dakota Congressman Speaks Out on the Dakota Pipeline

A little more than two weeks ago, during a confrontation between protesters and law enforcement, an improvised explosive device was detonated on a public bridge in southern North Dakota. That was simply the latest manifestation of the “prayerful” and “peaceful” protests against the Dakota Access Pipeline. Escalating tensions were temporarily defused Sunday when the U.S. […]


Federal Notice “Traders with Indians” — feds going back to the dark ages…

Today’s Federal Register notices an upcoming proposed rule for “Traders with Indians”… It is astounding to me that all Indian reservations are co-located within counties and towns wherein tribal governments have no jurisdiction over non-tribal persons, businesses or properties… AND YET… the escalating efforts to reverse history and further federalize the states, Indian reservations and […]


Trump Picks Okla. Attorney General to Lead EPA: Big Win for Climate Realists, Constitutionalists

— Published with permission from The New — “We’re certainly going to draw a line in the sand. This is the worst-case scenario when it comes to clean air and clean water, to nominate a climate denier to the agency charged with protecting our natural resources,” groused Senator Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii), expressing his opposition […]

Gem State Patriot News