
Hillary Clinton – My Favorite Excuses (Parody)

(Sung to the tune of “My Favorite Things”) Scroll down to see the music video! This poem (Hillary Clinton – My Favorite Excuses) is republished here with permission and attribution to author Tony Olson. About the Author: Tony Olson is an American journalist, poet, and bestselling author. His book SPIN GAME: Exposing Political Lies and Tactics […]


The trial of Cliven Bundy: A travesty of justice

— Published with Permission of — This week, a group of men who stood face to face with government agents and refused to back down will find out how many more years of their lives that decision will cost them, as a verdict is expected in their federal trial in Las Vegas. It is […]


Bills to transfer federal control of lands to local stewardship progress through Congress

— Published with Permission of Free Range Report — “Sadly, these bills are necessary because the federal government has not recently been that good neighbor, and ideological zealots in our land management agencies have been obstructing vital local infrastructure projects and running roughshod over the wishes and jurisdictions of local communities…” ~ House Natural Resources […]


Washington State… ‘Their water and/or Idaho’s?’

Bob Bingham is the founder of Idaho’s largest property rights group, North West Property Owners Alliance (NWPOA) and recently became a newly elected Kootenai County Commissioner. Bob has a reputation for getting citizens aware and involved. NWPOA is a viable force today working very hard for property owners’ water, property and privacy rights by attending […]


Would move west improve BLM accountability, or put the fox in the hen house?

— Published with Permission of Free Range Report — All this make it worth pondering the question of whether BLM HQ should be moved to rural Western Colorado–which, by the way, has been economically harmed because of anti-fossil fuel BLM regulations, and its heavy-handed interference with ranching, farming, and other resource-based industries. Will moving the […]


Zinke’s Bumbling Gives ‘Eco-Obstructionists’ Leverage Over Resource Development

— Published with Permission of Free Range Report — Whatever the reason, Trump‘s Interior Department opened a real can of worms when it let the Obama Administration‘s last-minute endangered species designation for the rusty patched bumblebee (RPB) take effect March 21 – exactly 60 days after President Trump issued his regulatory Executive Order. Watt’s Up […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Grocery Tax Repeal Vetoed: Governor Says, Screw the Taxpayers

Otter says the money you would save by repealing the grocery tax is imaginary. Next time you buy groceries for your family take out your imaginary money and think about the Governor living it up on his ranch catering to his crony friends who get all the tax breaks. Otter, like so many other career […]


Preserve Property Rights by Defunding HUD’s AFFH Rule

The pressure by property advocates from across the nation to rein in HUD’s disastrous Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) rule is being felt on Capitol Hill. As a result, two bills have been introduced to defund and eliminate the program. Representative Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.) has introduced H.R. 482 (24 cosponsors), called the Local Zoning Decisions […]


Syria, the U. S. Constitution, and the War Powers Resolution

In the wake of the U. S. missile strike on the Syrian air base believed to have been used to mount a chemical weapons attack, there is no lack of the usual debate about, “it’s right, it’s wrong; it’s good, it’s bad; we should have, we shouldn’t have.” Most of the discussion revolves around personal […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Tax Day – Time to Amend the 16th Amendment

Tax Day is not an occasion Americans celebrate with picnics, presents, or parades. Yet we haven’t always had a Tax Day. The income tax was foisted upon us in 1913 by the generation that passed the 16th amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The 16th amendment states, “The Congress shall have power to lay and collect […]


Trump is Correct about ‘Climate Change’!

Have you ever heard anyone say that 97% of scientists agree that man is the chief cause of global warming and that this warming is going to end in disaster? Actually, less than 1% happen to agree on the cause of climate change! Donald Trump chose Myron Ebell last September to head up the transition […]


CLASSIC RUSES: Clinton’s Lewinsky and Obama’s Russians

A RUSE IS A RUSE IS A RUSE A perceptive friend of mine is known to occasionally say someone is worrying about the wrong thing. Amazingly, he is usually right, and what you saw originally might have been a ruse. A ruse is likened to a magician’s art. Ruse: an action intended to deceive someone; […]

Gem State Patriot News