Bob's Words of Wisdom News

All Polls are not Equal: Fulcher Maintains Strong Lead With Conservatives

The Editorial Board of the Gem State Patriot decided to do this poll for the 2018 gubernatorial race because of a poll published by the Idaho Freedom Foundation taken Feb. 6 – 8. While we have enormous respect for the Idaho Freedom Foundation, we felt their poll presented a slanted result because of the narrow […]


Clintons Committed More Treason Than For Which the Rosenbergs Were Executed! – Where is Justice?

Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were executed on June 19, 1953 after being convicted of conspiring to pass U.S. atomic secrets to the Soviets, at Sing Sing Prison in Ossining, New York. They refused to admit any wrongdoing and proclaimed their innocence right up to the time of their deaths, by the electric chair. The Rosenbergs […]


The Bundy Verdict: Two Points of View

— Published with Permission of — Editor’s note: The Liberty Nation Editorial staff has been hard at work reporting and analyzing the first of several trials in the case of the United States v. Cliven Bundy et al. Today we offer you a point-counterpoint discussion offering two perspectives on the same event. Leesa K. […]


Tribes Issue Water Claim, Ranchers Fear the Worst

— Published with Permission from Herald and News — In April 2014, ranchers and the Tribes signed the Upper Basin Comprehensive Agreement. The ranchers agreed to retire 18,000 acres of land or 30,000 acre feet of water and do riparian repair work on the rivers in exchange for an allotment of water each year… At […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

You Want a Good Governor for Idaho? ‘Read the Resume’

We just finished reading Idaho Freedom Foundation President Wayne Hoffman article “2018 campaign for governor starts now” and tried to figure out why his first comments were about Congressman Labrador. The Congressman is not even a declared candidate for governor so why would you put him in a poll with the declared candidates? The IFF […]


Trump Should Release His Tax Returns – 8 Years After Obama Releases His Sealed Records

In the first place, there is no law that a President of the United States must release his tax returns for periods prior to his election. From the website, “Individual income tax returns — including those of public figures — are private information, protected by law from unauthorized disclosure. Indeed, the Internal Revenue Service […]


POLL: Who is your top choice for Idaho Governor in 2018?

The 2018 Idaho Governor’s race is shaping up to be a crowded field. Who is your preferred candidate in this race? Incumbent Butch Otter isn’t running for reelection, so it’s an open seat which only makes the outcome of the race that much more unknown. Don’t let the talking heads in the mainstream media tell […]


Leftists and Progressives Drone on at Labrador Town Hall

As Publisher I would like to make a few observations before we get to Susan’s comments. This account by Susan proves the point I made a couple days ago on the Kevin Miller Show that this group called “Indivisible” are nothing but a bunch of obnoxious rabble rousers who shouldn’t have been permitted to attend […]


New Revelations Encourage US to Fully Withdraw from the UN!

Last week the AP published an explosive investigation that revealed shocking atrocities done to children by United Nations peacekeeping troops over the last decade. The AP exclusive article starts like a scene from a movie with abandoned children in Haiti merely struggling to survive, while the UN troops took full advantage of them in exchange for cookies, […]


What Fresh Hell is This?

The subject heading stood out from the rest of the Monday morning email deluge. I share this because the email was from a friend who had been following the 2017 session of the Idaho Legislature. The body of her correspondence detailed her frustrations with yet another bill that was up for a hearing. My friend’s […]


Trump – ‘the Mother of All Presidents’

Remember the date April 13, 2017. That was the day Trump won his re-election campaign. That was the day he dropped MOAB- the “Mother Of All Bombs” on ISIS’s head. Over 21,000 pounds of pure hell. What’s the last thing those bloodthirsty, murdering radical Muslim terrorists thought before the biggest bomb in the history of […]


Swamp Osmosis

Speaker Paul Ryan started out as a fine young man at the age of 22 serving as a legislative aide in WI Sen. Bob Kasten’s office, after graduating in 1992. Before being elected as a Congressman in 1998, he had also served as a speechwriter, legislative director to a Senator and as a marketing consultant […]

Gem State Patriot News