
The War on Private Property – The Connectivity Agenda (Part 5 of 6)

Part 5 of a 6 Part Series This is the fifth of a six-part series. The reader is highly encouraged to go to these websites and study what is discussed in these articles in order to make an informed decision. My father never thought much of the government, but he was a good citizen. He fought […]


Presumption of Incompetence: How Occupational Licensing Abrogates Liberty

The most basic right of every individual is the right to be left alone so long as the individual is not infringing on the equal and equivalent rights of others to do the same. Peaceful people shouldn’t face state aggression simply because they attempt to engage in voluntary transactions among themselves. It has been said […]


New BLM plan targets ‘unsustainable’ attempts to manage wild horses

— Published with Permission of — Good management of wild horses means treating them as what they are, livestock. Bison, once found in the millions on the wild prairies of North America, and driven to near-extinction in an effort to make room for western settlements, were saved and are being robustly restored by human […]


If Trump and GOP Were Attached to a Murder, What Would Media Say?

Our country has become a Banana Republic. Anything minor Trump does is leaked (a crime), taken out of context, hyped through the roof, and then turned into hysterical headlines by the media. The media turns an ordinary conversation by Trump (that every president has) into the biggest news story of the year. But if Democrats […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Was this the Plan for Labrador All Along? What You Don’t Know about 2014

Congressman Labrador said on a local radio show that he decided to run for governor because he wanted to, not because the political bosses asked him. He said he is in control, not the political bosses. That is a very interesting statement since we believe it was Congressman Labrador who was responsible for the citizens […]


The War on Private Property – Corridors to Connectivity (Part 4 of 6)

Part 4 of a 6 Part Series This is the fourth of a six-part series. The reader is strongly urged to visit these websites and study what is discussed in these articles in order to make an informed decision. Part one covered data collection in the Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy (CWCS) which was used to […]


A Proposed Hillsdale-College-Affiliated Charter School is coming to Idaho

Treasure Valley Classical Academy We are proud to announce that a charter school in the Hillsdale College tradition is coming to Payette County, Idaho with a proposed opening date of fall 2018. Hillsdale College, in Hillsdale, Michigan, is staunch defender of the United States Constitution and a leader in classical liberal arts education since 1844. […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Rebuilding our Healthcare System: A Better Solution – Part I

Idaho’s problem with its healthcare system didn’t start with Obamacare; it started long before that. The insurance companies and medical groups — or as we call them, the medical mafia — have been sucking the life out of Idahoans for years, and no one has said much about it until the decision to institute a […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Money Buys Power but will it Buy the Governor’s Seat?

How much money do you think it would take to be sure you won an election for Governor of Idaho — 3, 4, maybe 5 million dollars? I believe we are going to find out in the 2018 election as Tommy Ahlquist pulls out his rather large wallet and all the stops in his bid […]


Taxed Enough Already? Idaho’s Tax Climate is the worst in the Region

Idaho enjoys a reputation as a ‘conservative’ state due primarily to the Republican supermajority in the state legislature, but despite the commonality of the belief, the reality is far different. Yes, Idaho has less restrictive gun laws than many other states (even though there are still several problems to be resolved), but when it comes […]


Sheriff Richard Mack is coming to Mountain Home, Idaho, on June 10, 2017

Event Notice: Sheriff Richard Mack is coming to the Mountain Home Public Library in Mountain Home, Idaho, on June 10, 2017. He’ll be there from 10:00 AM until 3:00 PM. Richard Mack is the only Sheriff in the history of the United States to sue the federal government at the Supreme Court and win. Join […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Too ‘Little’, Too Late

It appears that Brad Little decided to try playing Governor by issuing an Executive order on March 19 designated the “Licensing Freedom Act”, which is supposed to be a review of State Licensing Requirements. Now does anyone really think that this order was issued while Little was acting Governor without the ok of Butch Otter? […]

Gem State Patriot News