
How the Girl Scouts Have Changed

As a United Nations (UN) non-governmental organization (NGO), the Girl Scouts of the United States of America (GSUSA) has abandoned their loyalty to the United States. UN NGOs are required to commit their loyalty to implementing the goals and objectives of the UN. With so much false information at hand now, finding some legitimate source […]


A Rebuttal to a recent article in the Idaho Falls Post Register

Reporter Bryan Clark posted an article on September 18 in the Idaho Falls Post Register regarding US 20 and proposed wildlife overpasses at Targhee Pass (TP) in Island Park (IP). He took the time to quote Kim Trotter and Kathy Renaldi, who represent the initiatives which have been intimately involved with the Idaho Transportation Department […]


Mueller must be removed, disbarred, prosecuted

— Published with Permission of — Decrying the special counsel’s ‘legal jihad unfolding with impunity’ As a former prosecutor of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), founder of Judicial Watch and now Freedom Watch, and its current general counsel and chairman, I filed a complaint Monday before the Office of Professional Responsibility and Inspector General […]


Irma – Illusions and Realities

— Published with Permission of — If human emissions made Irma worse, did they also bring the 12-year lull in Cat 4-5 hurricanes? Hurricanes Harvey and Irma brought out the best in us. Millions of Americans are giving money, toil and sweat to help victims rebuild. Unfortunately, the storms also highlighted some people’s baser […]


Strike a Deal with China on North Korea

— Published with Permission of — North Korea’s latest nuclear test has pushed the Trump administration into a near frenzy, even though America has lived with the threat of annihilation for more than a half-century, starting when the Soviet Union built atomic weapons. President Donald Trump’s blustering and posturing have done more to unsettle […]


Liberal Twins ESPN and MGM Committing Suicide

ESPN offers a cautionary tale about the dangers of Las Vegas casino executives damaging or destroying their brands by offending their core customer base. But more importantly, this is a danger to the entire brand of Las Vegas. Vegas and ESPN have much in common. ESPN has committed suicide with its obsession with liberal, progressive, politically-correct beliefs. […]

News Opinions / Op-eds

Rand Paul’s Senate Vote Rolls Back the Warfare State

Last week, Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) reminded Congress that in matters of war, they have the authority and the responsibility to speak for the American people. Most Senators were not too happy about the reminder, which came in the form of a forced vote on whether to allow a vote on his amendment to repeal […]


Meet our proposed 51st state: Liberty, U.S.A. – It Can Happen!

Washington State’s firebrand state representative, District 4 Representative Matt Shea, presented the case for eastern Washington creating its own new state at a meeting of the Spokane Conservative Republicans on Sept. 18th. The state would be named Liberty and would encompass the portion of Washington State east of the Cascades. Shea and two other Representatives, […]


Outsiders vs. Insiders: Single-payer ‘Berniecare’ shows how far left the Democrats have shifted

— Published with Permission of — This is a practical joke, right? If you’ve ever been in a situation where you thought you were in the right place yet everything around you didn’t quite fit your sensibilities, you know exactly how most (sane) people felt last week when Senator Bernie Sanders introduced legislation to […]


Outsiders vs. Insiders: Conservatives beware of West Wing Democrat salesmen bearing promises

— Published with Permission of — Cutting taxes was supposed to be the easiest part of enacting President Donald Trump’s agenda. When Trump first announced he was running for president, he drew the most attention for his poignant remarks on immigration and trade. But beneath all of the hyperbole and messaging on populist topics […]


Meckler admits ‘Convention of States’ won’t solve the problem!

— Published with Permission of — There may not be a question more difficult to answer for Mark Meckler, President of Citizens for Self-Governance and spokesman for its Convention of States Project (COS), than this: Since the federal government ignores the Constitution as now written, why would it obey an amended Constitution? This is a […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

In Meridian, Developers get the Gold Mine, Property Owners get the Shaft

Why is anyone surprised about the increased taxes for Meridian? Last year we were screaming from the rooftops about the problems with the West Ada School district—the fact that it is way too big and money is badly allocated. The facts are that every time we turn around, there is another school that they want […]

Gem State Patriot News