
Wooten letter exposes abuse, religious bigotry in Dan Love’s BLM operation

— Published with Permission of —

The misconduct caused considerable disruption in our workplace, was discriminatory, harassing and showed clear prejudice against the defendants, their supporters and Mormons. Often times this misconduct centered on being sexually inappropriate, profanity, appearance/body shaming and likely violated privacy and civil rights.

Part 1 of 2

Federal Judge, Gloria Navarro’s dismissal of the Bundy Ranch trial last December was attributed in large part to explosive revelations of misconduct, and ethical and legal violations in a letter written by Bureau of Land Management (BLM) agent Larry ‘Clint’ Wooten, to Deputy Attorney General Andrew D. Goldsmith, the National Criminal Discovery Coordinator. The descriptions of unprofessionalism, sexism, and conspiratorial motives in the letter were so shocking that they tanked the federal prosecution’s case. The 18-page letter also contains damning accounts of unconscionable behavior and acts perpetrated by BLM Special Agent in Charge (SAC), Dan Love, which have been largely overlooked by media.

Christ Troupis Book

It appears that Love, whose history of misconduct, intimidation, emotional explosiveness, and criminality goes back several years, is being protected by agents from within the government. Aside from being relieved of his duties at the BLM, Love has yet to be held accountable for his crimes and corrupting influence that have forever tarnished the reputation of the agency.

Below are excerpts taken from the Wooten letter, recounting numerous instances of appalling venality within Love’s BLM Office of Law Enforcement Services (OLES).

Warning: Much of the content in the Wooten letter is extremely disturbing and obscene

Deterioration of conduct, ‘carnival atmosphere,’ religious bigotry

(Wooten letter pp 3-4)

The longer the investigation went on, the more extremely unprofessional, familiar, racy, vulgar and bias filled actions, open comments, and inappropriate electronic communications I was made aware of, or I personally witnessed. In my opinion, these issues would likely undermine the investigation, cast considerable doubt on the professionalism of our agency and be possibly used to claim investigator bias/unprofessionalism and to impeach and undermine key witness credibility. The ridiculousness of the conduct, unprofessional amateurish carnival atmosphere, openly made statements, and electronic communications tended to mitigate the defendant’s culpability and cast a shadow of doubt of inexcusable bias, unprofessionalism and embarrassment on our agency. These actions and comments were in my opinion offensive in a professional federal law enforcement work environment and were a clear violation of professional workplace norms, our code of conduct, policy, and possibly even law. The misconduct caused considerable disruption in our workplace, was discriminatory, harassing and showed clear prejudice against the defendants, their supporters and Mormons. Often times this misconduct centered on being sexually inappropriate, profanity, appearance/body shaming and likely violated privacy and civil rights.

(pg 5)

The childish misconduct extended to citizens, cooperators from other agencies and even our own employees. BLM Law Enforcement Supervisors also openly talked about and gossiped about private employee personnel matters such as medical conditions (to include mental illness), work performance, marriage issues, religion, punishments, internal investigations and derogatory opinions of high level BLM supervisors. Some of these open comments centered on ‘Blow J*bs,’ Ma*terbation in the office closet, Addiction to Porn, a Disgusting Butt Crack, a “Weak Sister,” high self-opinions, ‘crying and scared women,’ “Leather Face,” “Mormons (little Mormon Girl),” “he has mental problems, and that he had some sort of mental breakdown,” “PTSD,”  etc.

Additionally, it should be noted that there was a “religious test” of sorts. On two occasions, I was asked “You’re not a Mormon are you” and I was told “I bet you think I am going to hell, don’t you.”

SAC Dan Love turns BLM law enforcement operation into a cesspool

(pg 4)

Many times, these open unprofessional and disrespectful comments and name calling (often by law enforcement supervisors who are potential witnesses and investigative team supervisors) reminded me of middle school. At any given time, you could hear subjects of this investigation openly referred to as ‘ret*rds,’ ‘rednecks,’ ‘overweight woman with the big jowls,’ ‘d*uche bags,’ ‘tractor face,’ ‘inbreds,’ etc.*

Also, it was common to receive or have electronic communications reported to me during the course of the investigation in which senior investigators and law enforcement made fun of suspects and referenced “Cliven Bundy felony… just kind of rolls off the tongue, doesn’t it?,” dildos, western themed gay bars, odors of sweat, playing chess with menstr*ting women, Cliven Bundy sh*thing on cold stainless steel, personal lubricant and Ryan Bundy holding a giant p***s (on April 12, 2014). Extremely biased and degrading fliers were also openly displayed and passed around the office, a booking photo of Cliven Bundy was (and is) inappropriately, openly, prominently and proudly displayed in the office of a potential trial witness and my supervisor and an altered and degrading suspect photos were put in an office presentation by my supervisor.

Additionally, this investigation also indicated that former BLM SAC Dan Love sent photographs of his own feces and his girl-friend’s vagina to coworkers and subordinates. It was also reported by another BLM SAC that former BLM SAC Dan Love told him that there is no way he gets more pu**y than him.

*During this time, many of theses same epithets were used in social media attacks against the Bundy Family and their supporters.

BLM law enforcement civil rights violations

(pg 4)

…I became aware of potentially captured comments in which our own law enforcement officers allegedly bragged about roughing up Dave Bundy, grinding his face into the ground, and Dave Bundy having little bits of gravel stuck in his face (from April 6, 2014).

My supervisor instigated the unprofessional monitoring of jail calls between defendants and their wives, without prosecutor or FBI consent, for the apparent purpose of making fun of post arrest telephone calls between Idaho defendants/FBI targets (not subjects of BLM’s investigation).

(pp 8,9)

(Assistant United States Attorney) AUSA, Steven Myhre adopted a few troubling policies in reference to this case. When we became aware that Dave Bundy’ s seized iPad likely contained remarks from  BLM Law Enforcement Officers that is potentially evidence of  civil rights violations and excessive use of force, Mr. Myhre and my supervisor not only apparently failed initiate the appropriate follow-on actions, Mr. Myhre apparently failed to notify the Defense Counsel and also decided not to return the iPad back to Dave Bundy, even though the iPad wasn’t going to be searched pursuant to a search warrant or used as evidence in trial and Dave Bundy claimed he needed the iPad for his business.

BLM law enforcement fixated on violent acts against citizens

(pg 5)

Also, more and more it was becoming apparent that the numerous statements made by potential trial witnesses and victims (even by good officers under duress), could potentially cast an unfavorable light on the BLM….Some of these statements included the following: “Jack-up Hage” (Wayne Hage Jr.), “Are you fuc**** people stupid or what,” “Fat dude, right behind the tree has a long gun,” “MotherFu****, you come find me and you’re gonna have hell to pay,” “FatA** slid down,” “Pretty much a shoot first, ask questions later,” “No gun there. He’s just holding his back standing like a sissy,” “She must not be married,” “Shoot his fuc**** dog first,” “We gotta have fuc**** fire discipline,” and “I’ m recording by the way guys, so…”

On February 16, 2017, I personally informed then AUSA (First Assistant and Lead Prosecutor) Steven  Myhre of those specific comments (which I had previously disclosed to, and discussed with my supervisor) and reminded Special Assistant United States Attorney (SAUSA) Erin Creegan about an email chain by a particular BLM SAC in reference to the Arrest of David Bundy on April 6, 2014, in which, prior to Dave Bundy’s arrest, the BLM SAC was told not make any arrests. When I asked Myhre if the former BLM SAC’s statements like “Go out there and kick Cliven Bundy in the mouth (or teeth) and take his cattle” and “I need you to get the troops fired up to go get those cows and not take any crap from anyone” would be exculpatory or if we would have to inform the defense counsel, he said something like “we do now,” or “it is now.”

Dan Love shielded from accountability, acts of retaliation against anyone who questioned Love’s misconduct

(pg 4)

I had my own supervisor tell me that former BLM SAC Dan Love is the BLM OLES “Directors boy” and they indicated they were going to hide and protect him. The BLM OLES Chief of the Office of Professional Responsibility/Internal Affairs indicated to me the former BLM OLES Director protected former BLM SAC Love and shut the Office of Professional Responsibility out when misconduct allegations were reported about Love and that the former BLM OLES Director personally (inappropriately) investigated misconduct allegations about Love.

(pg 5)

The investigation also indicated that on multiple occasions, former BLM Special Agent-in-Charge  (SAC) Love specifically and purposely ignored U.S. Attorney’s Office BLM civilian management  direction and intent as well as Nevada State Official recommendations in order to command the most intrusive, oppressive, large scale, and militaristic trespass cattle impound possible. Additionally, this investigation also indicated excessive use of force, civil rights and policy violations. The investigation indicated that there was little doubt there was an improper cover-up in virtually every matter that a particular BLM SAC participated in, or oversaw and that the BLM SAC was immune from discipline and the consequences of  his actions. (I can further explain these issues later. These instances are widely documented.)

(pg 8)

Also, after speaking with the BLM OLES Chief of the Office of Professional Responsibility /Internal Affairs and two former BLM ASAC’s, I became convinced that the previous BLM OLES Director Salvatore Lauro not only allowed former BLM SAC Dan Love complete autonomy and discretion, but also likely provided no oversight and even contributed to an atmosphere of cover-ups, harassment and retaliation for anyone that questioned or reported former BLM SAC Dan Love’s misconduct.

Destruction of evidence, intimidation and abuse of Wooten

(pp 6, 7)

On February 18, 2017, I was removed from my position as the Case Agent/Lead Investigator for the Cliven Bundy/Gold Butte Nevada Case by my supervisor despite my recently documented and awarded hard work and excellent and often praised performance. Additionally, a BLM ASAC (my supervisor, but also my co-case agent), violated my privacy and conducted a search of my individually occupied secured office and secured safe within that office. During this search, the BLM ASAC, without notification or permission, seized the Cliven Bundy/Gold Butte Nevada Investigative “hard copy” Case File, notes (to include specific notes on issues I uncovered during the 2014 Gold Butte Nevada Trespass Cattle Impound and “lessons learned”) and several computer hard drives that contained case material, collected emails, text messages, instant messages, and other information. Following this seizure outside of my presence and without my permission, the BLM ASAC didn’t provide any property receipt documentation (DI-105/Form 9260-43) or other chain of custody documentation (reasonably needed for trial) on what was seized. The BLM ASAC also directed me to turn over all my personal case related notes on my personal calendars and aggressively questioned me to determine if I had ever audio recorded him or a BLM SAC. I was also aggressively questioned about who I had told about the case related issues and other severe issues uncovered in reference to the case and Dan Love (see Congressional subpoena by former Congressman Jason Chaffetz, and the February 14, 2017, letter that Congressman Jason Chaffetz and Congressman Blake Farenthold sent the U.S. Department of Interior’s Deputy Inspector General, Ms. Mary L. Kendall, regarding Dan Love allegedly directing the deletion of official documents). Also after this, I believe I overheard part of a conversation in an open office space where my supervisor was speaking to a BLM SAC as they discussed getting access to my government email account.

Upcoming in Part 2: Culture of Abuse and Racism, Threats of harm, Dan Love’s ‘Kill Book’

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