
A Story of Shocking FBI Scandal

I am sad to bring you a story of what certainly appears to be shocking government abuse, corruption, scandal and violation of trust. I’m sad because it involves a federal government institution I’ve trusted my entire life—the FBI. It’s a national scandal that should leave every American shocked and shaken. Is the FBI now a telemarketing […]


The Hypocrisy of the Right

It seems to be a popular notion among the conservative right to think that hypocrisy is the exclusive domain of the liberal left. However, in recent years I have become increasingly aware of the presence of hypocrisy infecting the political right and I find it quite disturbing. Hypocrisy is subtle and beguiling. Like the Pharisees […]

News Opinions / Op-eds

Urban Renewal is a Blight on our Wallets

Urban renewal is typically portrayed in a positive manner. After all, who doesn’t want to eliminate run-down areas of our municipalities? Even though urban renewal sounds like a great idea, it requires much more scrutiny than it has been given by the citizens of Canyon County. Urban renewal first became a reality in Idaho in […]


The Communists Killed Kennedy – Now President Trump’s life is in danger!

— Published with Permission of — In the Mel Gibson film “Edge of Darkness,” a mysterious consultant to a group of conspirators says, in regard to covering their tracks for a series of murders, “Make it so convoluted that anyone can have a theory, but no one’s got the facts.” Many theories have been offered […]


A House Divided (CSG Level 3)

Two competing and irreconcilable worldviews are tearing our nation apart and nowhere do the divisions in our society have more serious consequences than the effort by judges, lawyers and legal scholars to define, in our time, the meaning, intent, and limits of the U.S. Constitution. There are two overriding presuppositions among the political and legal […]


AFFH to Destroy Property Rights and Property Values in Communities across the Nation

— Published with Permission of — Advisory to President Trump on HUD’s AFFH I know you are watching the shocking and absolutely viscous daily attacks on President Trump. He has to defend himself constantly for every move he makes. How can he focus? How can he make any progress? Or, in other words, ‘When you’re […]


The Clintons Corrupt Everything They Touch

— Published with Permission of — In a break with the Clinton-loving American establishment media, the UK’s Daily Mail recently detailed how Marc Elias, a Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer who launched what would become known as the anti-Trump “dirty dossier” denied involvement in the project for a year, even as reporters pressed him for […]


BLM reverses Obama-era mineral leasing ban on 10 million acres in West

— Published with Permission of — “The proposal to withdraw 10 million acres to prevent (only) 10,000 from potential mineral development was a complete overreach.” — Acting BLM Director, Mike Nedd Mining, not unlike ‘fracking,’ is one of the big boogey men the anti-public lands management movement uses to further its false narrative that resource […]


Revoke the NFL’s Antitrust Exemption

— Published with Permission of — Ever wonder why the price of NFL football game individual and season tickets are so prohibitively expensive, as well as the high price of official NFL gear sold on the internet or in sporting goods stores? Ever wonder why the NFL has gotten away with not disclosing the dangers […]


The Hate-America Death Squad

From the founding of America 241 years ago, those opposed to the Founding Fathers’ noble aspirations of freedom for all, and a government in which citizens – and not kings or dictators – decide who will represent them, have waged fierce resistance. From the Muslim Barbary Pirates who fought America’s first presidents (George Washington, John […]


The United States Withdraws From UNESCO

— Published with Permission of — It looks like the United States is taking another step towards distancing itself from the United Nations. On October 12, the State Department announced that the U.S. would withdraw from the United Nations Educational, Scientific Cultural Organization (UNESCO). In a press release, they cited “U.S. concerns with mounting arrears at […]


The Real MGM Story — Direct from their Security Employees

Like President Trump, I’m from the rough and tumble streets of New York. Whether it’s in my RJ column or on my national radio show, I believe in shooting from the hip and speaking from the heart. Let the chips fall where they may, the truth is the truth—no matter if it offends someone. Obviously, […]

Gem State Patriot News