
Cleveland: Classic Example of Open Carry Effectiveness

Is there a better example of how open carry law serves as a detriment to would be shooters than the recent success of the GOP Convention in Cleveland, Ohio? I’d say not. Present were a lot of radicals up to causing trouble for the proceedings including an in your face ‘armed to the teeth’ vigilant […]


Obama and Allies Seek to Nationalize Local Police

— Reprinted with Permission of The New — On December 18, 2014, President Obama signed an executive order creating the President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing. In May 2015, the task force came out with its Final Report, which is commonly given the title “21st Century Policing.” One of the report’s recommendations, which […]


Health Freedom Idaho to hold ‘We Want the Truth’ Rally in Boise

We Want the Truth Rally WHERE: Steps of the Idaho State Capitol WHEN: Wednesday, August 3rd from 11 am – 12 pm The powers that be were able to get the eye-opening film “Vaxxed: From Cover-up to Catastrophe” shut down right here in Boise, ID. JOIN US AS WE STAND AGAINST CENSORSHIP & FRAUD! We demand Congress […]


We Got Your Back — This Battle is Ours to Fight for Our Police

In the book A Racial Program for the 20th Century written in 1912 by Israel Cohen, a founding member of the socialist Fabian Society, it reveals the Communist “Grand Strategy” to subvert and destroy America using the race weapon. Supporters of the Black Lives Matter premise are what Lenin called “useful idiots.” They have been […]


Tools for Conservative Leaders

Just because we understand the concepts of conservativeness, freedom and liberty and we see areas where our government is abusing its citizens and exceeding its constitutional authority, may not mean we know squat about what to do next. When I formed NWPOA (North West Property Owners Alliance) I had little more than an idea and […]


Reagan’s Prophecy

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once […]


If Hillary didn’t mishandle classified information, no one can

As a criminal-defense lawyer who has been forced by unfortunate circumstances to champion any number of hopeless causes, I wish to express my professional admiration for FBI Director James Comey’s creative and, dare I say it, “Clintonian” public exoneration of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The FBI investigated Clinton for possible violations of a […]


Power is Not a Means; it is an End

During most of the Twentieth Century, the American public held a high regard for its government. Most people felt the government was honest and in the event of war, America was the “good guy” fighting for freedom and liberty. During Vietnam however, the image started to crack as the Gulf of Tonkin, My Lai and […]


Treasure Valley Children’s Business Fair

AND ARE PLEASED TO PRESENT The Treasure Valley Children’s Business Fair Where children ages six to fourteen years old will experience being an “Entrepreneur for a Day.”   Date: Saturday, July 16, 2016 Place: Heritage Park (185 E State St, Eagle, ID 83616) Time: 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM Click here to RSVP via Facebook […]


Civil Forfeiture – Illegal Theft

Civil forfeiture is a process by which the government can take and sell your property without ever convicting, or even charging, you with a crime and that leads to one of the greatest threats to property rights in the nation today. Civil forfeiture is a legal bunch of fiction that tries inanimate objects for their involvement […]


The Man – Making a Case for Better Police Pay

Most people take police for granted and give little thought to the fantastic ‘value’ they are for our taxpayer dollars. Because, inside that symbolic uniform is a multi-talented individual that must ‘perform’ daily to impeccable standards and unfortunately for a pittance compared to his worth. Incidentally, let me digress a moment. If a female officer […]


Is The Heartland Institute Smoke and Mirrors?

This is a reply to the Heartland Institute’s Kyle Maichle’s July 6, 2016 Letter to the Editor posting “Not so, sir” which is in response to my My Turn column titled ‘The Unrelenting Con-Con Con’ published June 21st in the Coeur d’Alene Press. Allegation #1. The ASL (Assembly of State Legislatures) killed a proposal for […]

Gem State Patriot News