
Sink or Sovereign

The federal government is on an unsustainable course, it is sinking, but we don’t have to sink with it. Right now, the national debt is approaching $19.75 trillion (U.S. Treasury). With current GDP in the U.S. at $18.45 trillion (U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis), our debt-to-GDP ratio is at 107% re-approaching the WWII record. This […]


Hammerdown — Justice is Overdue

Justice is Overdue for Corrupt Politicians, Federal Agencies, the Lying Media, Hollywood Propagandists, Socialist Professors and George Soros Pursuit of corruption in government by law enforcement and the legal profession is grossly overdue. America’s lawyerly world has evolved into one of an extreme ‘Legal Cafeteria Plan’ type environment that has been woven into our legal […]


Our Trumptastic Americans

Donald Trump is already starting to change his positions, like ‘the wall’ is becoming a ‘fence’ in some places now, he is being smooshed into stating that some parts of ObamaCare might remain and so on… We understand how eager he is to reach across the aisle to get things done, but as I have […]


Idaho Chooses Life’s Christmas Dinner & Auction

Idaho Chooses Life’s Christmas Dinner & Auction Friday, December 2nd from 6-9 PM at the Eagle Christian Church Special Guest Speaker: Mr. Ian Johnson, BSU Star and Christian businessman Call 344-8709 for reservations


Changing Direction with Trump

With Trump’s victory last night, hopefully he has forestalled the slow steady decline we’ve witnessed over the last few decades of our Second Amendment and our other God-given civil rights listed in the US Constitution, the supreme law of our lands. We have all have been watching and felt the erosion. We are not alone […]


OK, Leave: Miley Cyrus, Lady Gaga, Al Sharpton & All Who Vowed to Flee if Trump Won

— Published with permission from The New — Alright, Samuel L. Jackson: Go ahead, take off for South Africa. Miley Cyrus: Canada awaits you, along with Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, Madonna, and hundreds of your fellow pampered Hollywood pals who took the “Never Trump!” pledge. George Stephanopoulos and Barbra Streisand: You can exit for Australia, […]


Christy Zito Thank You

“Thank you for your support, trust and your vote. This is the people’s seat. This position will represent the voice of the people in our state capital.” — Christy Zito Learn more about Christy Zito by visiting her website at You can contact her here.


Rally to End Common Core on the steps of the Idaho Capitol

Dear Friends & Patriots, I am writing to ask your help in a matter that we all share great concern, the education of our youth. I believe you have all seen the “man on the street” interviews that appall the conscience as to how little Americans know of their history, geography and constitutional founding. The […]


HEADS-UP: NEPA Review on Columbia River System Starting up…

We need our Voice EARLY IN this process! Columbia River System Operations (CRSO) Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) – Scoping Tool Information On November 3, I attended a public “scoping” meeting on the above project in Missoula. Under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). A “Federal Family” (Bonneville Power Administration, Army Corps of Engineers, and Bureau […]


The Most Important Election of Your Lifetime

When conservative talk radio host, Glenn Beck, announced he would not be voting for Trump, and suggested that, if Hillary wins, we can oppose her agenda in Congress, live to fight another day and work to elect a conservative in 2020, the right reacted in shock and horror, angrily contending, “the nation cannot survive Hillary!” […]


Electors to Be Bought Off? It’s More Than a Possibility

Given the barrage of Wikileaks’s undeniable original source facts about Hillary, the high level of awareness of most of the vote cheating schemes being dealt with and Donald Trump’s recent discipline to stay on the prompter while continuing his relentless schedule I believe he will win the popular vote. The overwhelming amount of corruption exposed […]


A Non-Vote Is a Half-Vote FOR the Continuing Clinton Scandalabra

I was so impressed with Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway’s use of the expression ‘Clinton Scandalabra’ on Fox’s ‘Justice w/Judge Jeanine’ show it just had to get used in this article. The ‘Clinton Scandalabra’ nails it. Sane, patriotic Americans who understand what America is truly about are repulsed by the vile, corrupt, serial lying, phony […]

Gem State Patriot News