I have tremendous respect for people who expose themselves and their families to the rigors of a political campaign and the sacrifices that are made while serving in the legislature, or as a government appointee. Putting their ideas and political philosophies on the line takes political courage. I am more often than I wish left […]
Category: John Livingston
Why do we continue to listen to “experts” who have continually proven to be wrong in their predictions and prognostications? Last week I wrote that “bigger is not better” in many cases. How often have the “experts” in the fields of medical education and public health missed the mark over the past 10 years? The […]
Political Truth and Consequences?
I again have not seen Democrats so mad at those who disagree with them since Republicans freed the slaves! Think about what has been revealed to us over the past week because Republicans finally have control over the House of Representatives. In testimony before two Congressional Committees yesterday: When Chuck Schumer and Mitch McConnell joined […]
Bigger is Not Always Better
Everything is getting bigger. In my profession, the doctor-patient relationship has been all but destroyed by “vertical and horizontal integration” with hospital systems buying up medical practices and then employing physicians and physician assistants and nurse practitioners. Then the hospital systems are bought up by insurance companies or vice versa, and then the mega company […]
Growing up I had trouble learning to write. Dyslexia is a gift and a curse. My Quaker grandmother came to the rescue with a discipline that many people today have never heard about. She gave me a “Copy Book” when I was still in kindergarten and insisted that I write in it every day. My […]
Jesus was a politician but not the type of politician we think about today. Politicians, Kings, Emperors, dictators, and tyrants all leverage the power they have at their disposal to promote themselves and preserve their own personal paths to political ascendency. Jesus rarely weighed in on political issues except to attack political and economic systems […]
A Mob of Mangy Meritless Mooches
A new phrase in the lexicon of political commentary was introduced by Andy Kessler in the March 5th, 2023, Wall Street Journal that I hope I never forget. In an article entitled THE RISE OF KICKBACK CAPITALISM he states that “we have entered an era that has created a mob of mangy meritless mooches”. Technically […]
Silencing the Free Market Lambs
Cronyism at its worst in Idaho-Pay up to get paid back. I am no longer associated with the Idaho Freedom Foundation. I believe in their principles, and I believe in their commitment to small government and liberty ideals. Ron Nate has been an incredible addition to the organization, and it will be because of people […]
In a Gem State Patriot article that I wrote early in the pandemic, I argued that the only mask that worked against viruses with the physical and chemical characteristics of Covid-19 was the N-95 mask properly fitted. I believe at this stage in the Covid crises that I have been proven correct. Many of the […]
(The contents of this article are the opinion of the author and not necessarily of the Gem State Patriot.) Repeal the Grocery Tax—ASAP Property tax relief with a “mark to sale” property tax vs a “mark to market” tax—this session—please and thank you. Accountability of government agencies (DHW) and (DE) that are conduits for over […]
Accountability Please
(The contents of this article are the opinion of the author and not necessarily of the Gem State Patriot.) I have written earlier about my concern for the lack of introspection shown by government agencies and hospitals in Idaho as the Covid-19 pandemic winds down. Historically in the medical, surgical, and public health professions out […]
Op-Ed: The Unexamined Life
(The contents of this article are the opinion of the author and not necessarily of the Gem State Patriot.) I was approached last week by several members of the St. Luke’s medical and nursing staffs about an article that Dr. David Pate placed on his own blog regarding the actions of Dr. Ryan Cole and […]