Bob's Words of Wisdom

Hail, Kamala, Queen of the Libs

We have finally been introduced to our newly anointed Democratic Presidential nominee who got this new position because the big players in the Democratic party figured out that it would be impossible for Joe Biden to win against Trump. What took place was a literal coup d’etat by Barrack Obama and his gang to make […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

History in the Making

The left calls them the Dictator and the Hillbilly, but it doesn’t matter what they call them — they may have to live with both these gentlemen, who could run the table to run this country for the next 12 years! The Trump train is rolling and with JD Vance now on board as his […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Biden-Gate: America in Transition

While most Americans assumed that President Biden was running the country for the past 3 ½ years in actuality we had a core group of democratic bureaucrats making the important decisions. Even more scary is that Sleepy Joe hasn’t had a cabinet meeting since last October and even then it was scripted as the cabinet […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Just say “NO” to Rank Choice Voting, November 5th

We are seeing a revival in the conservative republican party in Idaho with the advent of the recent GOP convention and the election of Dorothy Moon who has been the driving force in ridding the party of the establishment RINOs. The true conservatives showed solidarity at this last convention and easily won all the positions […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

America in Crisis

The big question is will Joe Biden step down as president of his own volition or will it take the threat of the 25th amendment to force him out of office? It looks like Joe is pretty much toast it’s not a matter of if he will be replaced but when he will be replaced. […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

It’s A Republic If You Can Keep It

Happy Fourth of July to all of our Readers! After this week’s presidential debate, Americans have to ask the question, “Who is running our country because we all know after this debate it is not Joe Biden?” Personally, I believe that it is Obama and his band of “Totalitarian Socialists” who have been making the […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

The Enemy Within

Scare Tactics or Reality? China has acquired farmland near 19 highly sensitive military bases. They have been putting malware in many of our natural resources and pose a serious threat to National security. They currently own 350k acres of U.S. farmland. It is doubtful that they purchased this land to grow corn or potatoes. You […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Will Trump Unify our Country and Stop the Fleecing of America?

Only a few saw the corruption in the Deep State: For all of my adult life, I have voted Republican even though there were many times I had to I has to hold my nose as I pulled the lever in the voting booth. Let’s face it folks for a good many years the republican […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

What’s Wrong with Public Education in Idaho?

The Case for School Choice I’m not sure how many times I have to say this but if you want to solve the problems with our school system, parents need to start by attending the school board meetings and voting for conservative board members. It’s interesting that Idaho is still at the bottom of the […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom Opinions / Op-eds

The Great Awaking

Yes, folks, they just convicted Donald Trump of a Nonexistent Crime. Just in case you haven’t figured it out yet we are definitely a country under siege and Americans are finally waking up to that fact. History was made this past week when the Kangaroo Court in N.Y.C. and a dishonest Judge that was hand […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Let’s Fight to Make America Great Again

No one has greater love than this: to lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13 CSB We live in a world where we are excited by trivia and bored by grandeur where it is more important for us to spend time looking at our Facebook page than attending church with our children. We all […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

It’s Time to Pick your Poison for the Primary Elections

I’m going to make this short and sweet as this primary election has been more contentious than any I have experienced in my 31 years of following politics in Idaho. I have said many times in my writing and on the radio that Idaho is basically a Libertarian-bent state when it comes to politics and […]

Gem State Patriot News