Bob's Words of Wisdom

Let Freedom Ring — Vote “NO” on Prop 1

Learn more about Prop 1 — Ranked Choice Voting

It’s bad enough that conservatives have to do battle with the left but now we have to fight the RINOs who have joined the left in pushing proposition one to change Idaho’s voting process for primary elections.

These political cronies who have lost much of their power when Dorothy Moon was installed as the GOP Chairman are now trying to usurp our primary voting system that has served Idaho well for decades and there is no need for this change.

The group who is pushing this is made up of the crony politicians who have been running this state for decades and realize that they are losing their power. This change in our voting system has been billed as opening up our primaries and it will do nothing of the kind. Voting will become more burdensome, convoluted and costly.

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I always say, if it isn’t broken don’t try and fix it. Below you will see clearly who is promoting this change and if you’re a conservative you will understand that we need to vote No on this proposition. All of these organizations have liberal affiliations.

Please forward the link to this article to 10 of your friends to stop Prop 1.

Who is funding Prop 1? The Idahoans for Open Primaries top donors are not Idaho citizens or entities (see list below), other than Reclaim Idaho itself.

View the Idaho Sunshine report HERE.

Thank you, Kerry Hanks, for publishing this list of contributors.

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2 replies on “Let Freedom Ring — Vote “NO” on Prop 1”

I had no idea so much out-of-state money was flowing to Prop 1. I knew about the Unite America PAC out of Colorado, but this is just insane. Right out of the Communist Party platform. If they win in Idaho, they will have built a local with the credibility to push other leftist changes via the initiative process. This was just an audition, a try-out for the grassroots machine. This needs to be stopped for far bigger reasons.


Each of us could file a lawsuit IF this proposition were to pass, because it takes away our right to a “republican” form of Government.

This is PURE DEMOCRACY. In Idaho, as well as in the Federal Government we have a “republican” (small r) form of government.

Should all of this money result in a WIN for Prop 1, 1) The Legislature should rescind it immediately based on its unConstitutional nature, as well as the fact that it is already illegal in Idaho; and 2) Every Idahoan should file a lawsuit! Flood the Courts!!! This cannot stand!

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