Bob's Words of Wisdom

God has a Heart for Our Country

We must surely be a country loved by God as we have endured four long years of persecution by a government that we voted into office. There are those who have tried to destroy this great republic with more negativity than I have ever witnessed in my 79 years on this earth and it is time to turn the tide and bring back the positive attitude that made this country great. Our nation was founded in Christianity and a belief that all men are created equal under the eyes of God. Let us not forget the many lives that were lost fighting for the right to be a free people and the great sacrifices that our ancestors have made to keep us free.

As a free people, we have the right to choose who will govern us and as citizens we must take this seriously for we have seen the enemy and it is us. Freedom isn’t free it comes with a price tag and that is to choose wisely the people we put in charge of running our government. In Matthew 3:12 Jesus talks about separating the wheat from the chaff. In John’s metaphor, the wheat represents those who repent and follow the Christ, while the chaff symbolizes those who reject Him. If we are to follow in Christ’s way, should we not do the same when it comes to choosing our leaders separating those with our best interests at heart from those who desire to control and destroy us and our Christian values?

I hope that all Christians have learned a very large lesson from the last two elections and start learning the truth about the people they elect to govern them. We have all been exposed to the great propaganda machine called Liberal Media and I hope have learned a lesson that we can not always trust the information or in many cases the propaganda they spread. They can no longer be trusted and from here on in we must verify everything that the Liberal Media tells us. They are reminiscent of the Pharisees who denounced Jesus every chance they had. Finding the truth is not always easy in the world we live in as there are so many different means of communications that inundate us perpetually with different messages every second of the day. Once again, we must separate the wheat from the chaff and discern the truth from the lies that our dishonorable media spread.

Our country is at a crossroads and we cannot afford to make a lot of mistakes as the forces of evil are waiting for an opportunity to destroy us. In this last election we voted for a leader with a history of success and we need to support President Elect Donald Trump as our country tries to dig itself out of the hole that Joe Biden and friends have left us in. To be sure the next four years will be filled with angst as we try to rectify and reverse the atrocities that have been cast upon our country by a government that has shaken it to it’s very foundation. We must proceed with caution as those who are against us will continue to perpetuate their lies and steer us in the wrong direction so be prepared to challenge them with the truth and your voting power. Let them know that the American people are now back in charge of their country and that we will not stand for another four years of persecution, lawfare and profiteering with our tax dollars.

Christ Troupis Book

As we begin to celebrate the birth of Christ this week let us all remember to thank God for giving this nation another chance to rectify the problems cast upon us by those who want to turn it into a third world country. Christian Americans are the nexus that will return America to greatness again as we head towards our country’s 250th birthday and liberate ourselves from those who want to destroy us.

In closing, I would like to thank you all for your patronage and on behalf of myself and the staff of the Gem State Patriot. We also wish you all a very Merry and Blessed Christmas and may God Bless America.

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