
Pension Spiking Leads to Cronyism

MORE HOKUS POKUS AND LEGISLATIVE CHICANERY. Bill, Bill who’s got the bill is the game played by our untrustworthy legislators as taxpayers get saddled with even more pension obligations. In the past 3 months Governor Otter has made 4 appointments of legislators, who to say the least have been close friends of the administration for […]


Stung by the Court! Is there still Hope?

As another chapter ends in the long saga of Obamacare, we find ourselves faced with more decisions in our lives on how to handle our healthcare protection. With the rapidly rising insurance premiums and exchange fees, there are few places to cut the cost of health insurance and still protect your family.


Secretary of Education Arne Duncan Needs to be Reeducated

Recently Secretary Duncan lambasted Oklahoma after the state repealed Common Core Standards. Without coming right out and saying that they will cut off federal funds for No Child Left Behind, which would have put him in a proverbial corner and you know how politicians are, never paint yourself into a corner. More states are choosing […]


Insurance Rates to Rise 25 to 30% along with Exchange Fees — Are There Any Alternatives?

We predicted this back in 2012 when our legislators were debating HB248 that if indeed they voted to put in a state health care exchange that not only rates for insurance, but fees would rise dramatically in the next few year. They did not heed our warning and instead did what the lobbyists who paid […]


Who is Captain Randy Folwell?

UPDATE: The NRA has endorsed Capt. Randy Folwell for Ada County Sheriff Will there be a new Sheriff in town? Captain Randy Folwell retired from the Ada County Sheriff’s office in 2011, he is 65 years of age and believes he has a lot more to offer in service to the people of Ada County. […]


Rinos Run Wild at the State House Rotunda

Once again Idaho’s legislators have proven beyond a doubt that Idaho is the bluest of the red states with the largest herd of RINO’s in the country stampeding under our State House Rotunda. With a vote of 49 to 21 in the house and 33 to 2 in the senate on bill HB1 formally SB1067, […]


Why do Blacks Riot in their own Communities?

And why do they blame racism and conservatives? Bringing in more immigrants to our country is a great way for the president to obtain his goal of diversity, but it will also produce destabilization of communities and eventually destabilization of our country by shifting the majority voting groups to the left allowing more liberal progressives […]


Picking Winners and Losers Brings Unintended Consequences

In a recent article by the Idaho Statesman they wrote about how Sky West Airlines had received state tax incentives for moving a maintenance facility to Boise in an effort to bring more high paying jobs to our state. Unfortunately this deal backfired on our illustrious Department of Commerce when it was discovered that United […]


Who is Really to Blame for the SB1067 Conundrum

Governor Otter and his cronies are playing the same tune on SB1067 as they have played on each and every bill that the governor and his corporate, lobbyist’s friends want to get passed. The name of that tune is “Show Me the Money.” For the past week the Governor and leadership have been twisting arms […]


The Benefits of Being a Government Employee — Just Ask Teresa Luna

Marty Trillhaase Finally Gets One Right. In the Opinion section of the Idaho Statesman we find our bozo reporter of the Lewiston Tribune beating up on Governor Otter for his handling of Teresa Luna’s resignation from the Department of Administration. Evidently we must have a new policy for letting employees go from a government job. […]


Tea Party Bob’s response to the Idaho Statesman’s Editorial Board

In an obvious attempt to place blame and rip conservative Republican members of our legislature, your editorial claimed our legislators should have taken advantage of the drop in gas prices and raised the gas tax by 25 cents per gallon to $.50. Continuing with the Governors standard message you claim that $262,000,000 is needed to […]


SB 1067: King Otter Doesn’t Care About State Sovereignty

Just a quick comment on bill 1067 covering child support payments and acceptance of a treaty that will subject Idaho to foreign laws and data searches. We already have laws on the books to cover child support issues. The Governor and his minions at the liberal media are bringing out the “boogeyman” scenarios to scare […]

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