I have recently completed reading three books that on the surface seem to have nothing to do with each other, but I believe there is a common theme found in these treasures that is worth commenting about. The first book I have discussed previously and is about Fr. Pierre John Desmet a Flemish Jesuit Priest […]
Author: Dr. John Livingston
Always In My Prayers
I try to swim 5 days a week and I have developed a group of friends who swim with me. One of them is named Paul. He told me the other day between sets that he was a “conservative Republican” but that he voted for Biden because he couldn’t tolerate Trump’s behavior. We have all […]
The Livingston Plan
When I was a young boy living in Columbus Ohio in 1964, my father put his business on hold for 1 year and became Barry Goldwater’s campaign manager. Prior to the primary, he was in charge of the Midwestern States and after the primary, he was in charge of the Goldwater campaign for the State […]
Memorial Day Service Before Self
On this Memorial Day weekend, it is important to reflect on the almost 1million Americans who have given their lives for their country. I was honored to have been on active duty for 12 years as a Navy Medical Officer and Surgeon and 4 more years in the reserves. I was called up briefly to […]
Here We Come
Mark Twain once opined that “it’s not the things that I don’t know that worry me, but rather the things that I know to be true that aren’t true that worry me”. We should be very careful about being certain or evoking “settled science” into any debate. There are two points that need to be […]
Corruption is ubiquitous and has been since the beginning of time. The source of our corruption is man’s inclination to “sin”. The gift of FREE WILL—”liberty” is a double-edged sword. Our founding Fathers understood this. Their understanding of the downfalls of many ancient societies—The Greeks and Romans, and the ancient Hebrew dynasties—many of them theocracies, […]
I spend long winter nights studying for my summer camping trips. Lynn and I bought a new RV three years ago and we made our 1st trip a “Louis and Clark” trip stopping along many historical spots on the Missouri River and The Yellowstone Rivers. We covered 2000miles. The Corps of Discovery traveled 6000 miles […]
A Bad Grade for Idaho
We are getting down to the end of our legislative session in Idaho. I am a big fan of the Idaho Freedom Index. In the 35 years I have lived in Idaho my home has always been in one of the two most liberal legislative districts—16 and 19. My current State Senator is Grant Burgoyne […]
And the Beat Goes On
Several weeks ago, I wrote a series of 4 articles trying to explain why good people in the scientific community looked at the same data and came to very different conclusions. We discussed “risk tolerance transference”, “herd dynamics”, and finally several forms of bias including outcome and hindsight bias. Within the past 2 days, two […]
Tell the Truth — Please
Inevitably, when talking to a progressive the term “science” comes up. The word is used in such a way as to end a discussion. The implied argument is this: We all believe in science, and if science is on my side of the argument, my argument should win the day—-end of discussion. Anyone making such […]
So says Jason Riley in today’s Wall Street Journal. Like many conservative Black men and women whose voices are just now being allowed to be heard, the true heart and soul of the Black Community—just like all other communities in the USA, are tired of the political left led by their media infantry, misstating and […]
The Joe Biden Award
I am frustrated. I have tremendous respect for people who put their names on the line and run for public office so I hesitate ever being critical of them on paper. Almost to a man and women-almost, these are good men and women who love their families and communities. They have been or are successful […]