John Livingston News

Our Schools Need to be Opened

The overwhelming incontrovertible scientific evidence demonstrates that we should absolutely reopen our schools for pre-K to 12th grade and yet the Nation’s second largest teachers union The American Federation of Teachers is encouraging its membership to go on strike should schools reopen. Throughout the entire world and documented in the world’s medical, public health and […]

John Livingston News

Exceptionalism and “THE NATURAL LAW”

In a recent article in THE GEM STATE PATRIOT, the Rev. Phil DiGregorio presented an excellent discussion about “Natural Law” and its fundamental relationship to our founding principles. Early theological discussions about “Natural Law” can be found not only in the ancient Judeo Christian papyrus-for Christians most notably the New and Old Testaments, but concepts […]

John Livingston News

The Box

Is there really freedom of conscience and freedom of expression in our country today? Watching as groups identified with BLM and ANTIFA rampaging through our streets, and others who stand with them calling themselves non-violent and both groups invoking freedom of expression while property is destroyed and people are killed, begs asking the question is […]

John Livingston News

The Trump Mask

The scientific literature regarding the efficacy of face mask use as part of a strategy for COVID-19 mitigation is at best controversial. For me the one definite answer is if you want to protect yourself and others one must use a form-fitting N-95 mask. Prior to the current pandemic, I have been able to find […]

John Livingston News

Fig Plucking

There was an old saying in Ohio when people would keep doing something wrong or stupid, the act would be described as “fig plucking” The term came from the ditty with the refrain: “I’m not a fig plucker or a fig plucker’s son, but I’ll pluck figs till the fig plucker comes” Seems like there […]

John Livingston News

Now is The Time to Make a Stand

For a very brief moment in our country’s history, we were united. Republicans, Democrats, Liberals, Conservatives, Blacks, and Whites. All were disgusted by the video showing a psychopathic cop murdering a handcuffed suspect while three other cops watched. The murder of George Floyd was soon politicized by groups that had little interest in national unity. […]

John Livingston News

Current Real Facts on COVID-19

Yesterday we reached a nadir nationally in the Coved morbidity and mortality curves. All the news media is telling us is that there is increasing absolute numbers. With the exception of three areas in South Miami, Houston and Arizona, everyplace else is down. What they aren’t telling you is that yesterday the daily death toll […]

John Livingston News

Defund the Police?

The cries in recent days to do away with funding for local and municipal police departments shows a conceit and ignorance of human nature and a fundamental misunderstanding and disdain for our Federal and State Constitutions. Who is going to maintain order on the streets? ANTIFIA, The BLM, Al Sharpton with spurs wearing a mask and […]

John Livingston News

No Bitter Angry Agenda

‘Just an Honorable Black Man’s View’ I believe that there is racism in our country and in all the world. There always has been. Each generation must vow to suppress and defeat it, but as long as there are men and women walking the face of the earth there will be sin. How sin and […]

John Livingston News

‘Summer of Love’ Capitol Hill Appeasement Zone ‘Fake News’

‘A Letter to our Friends Living in CHAZ’ As you know, I always try to make a negative into a positive. Lynn and I so miss your family and we really want to watch those boys grow up and be part of their lives. So in light of the recent news about the social unrest […]

John Livingston News

Hate Rage and False Narratives

We should all be outraged by the senseless deaths of human beings. Many of us including me became physically ill when we watched the video of George Floyd being strangled to death by a psychopathic killer while three other fellow policemen stood by and did nothing. “Am I my brother’s keeper?” Absolutely. This morning I […]

John Livingston News

Please, No Knee, Mr. Brees

I have become increasingly concerned over the past week about the ritualistic and almost religious nature of the actions of the “Black Lives Matter”(BLM) and ANTIFA movement. CNN showed a video of a white lady being ordered to her knees and coerced into confessing her sin of “white privilege”. Social media has been deluged with […]

Gem State Patriot News