Government and its media minions are at it with utmost haste here in Idaho as they make great preparation to welcome hundreds of Syrian refugees to our peaceful communities.

Government and its media minions are at it with utmost haste here in Idaho as they make great preparation to welcome hundreds of Syrian refugees to our peaceful communities.
Dear Patriots, I hope you may have had recent opportunity to attend Senator Crapo’s Town Hall meetings held around the Magic Valley.
Dear Patriots, I’ve taken sabbatical from the rigors of political rumpus these last few weeks not able to congeal the slop I hear on radio upon occasion to write cognitively about. The respite has felt good even though I’ve grumbled about most everything I’ve heard from the de-Jenner-ation of American society to the political expedience […]
Summer is finally here, a time when the winter chill and piles of snow have gone. In their place blossoms of new life and finally the return of my annual pilgrimage to and from our home in the mountains to the hardware store over Galena Summit.
(Federal grants available for those who love the power of the dance) Oh yes, the Bulshot Ballet has developed many masters of the dance. Our honorable Governor Otter is an outstanding student and prima ballerino of those with two left feet. At first slow to start but now the Governors tip toeing closer to a […]
Dear Patriots, The coercive nature of all political experience rears its ugly head once again dressed up as SB1067, a crumb left on the table at the close of Idaho’s last legislative session. Should Idaho’s legislators fall to the notion that federal money drives all good, money that will eventually be collected from yet unborn […]
It seems from today’s vantage that solutions for our personal liberties and economic wellbeing are out of reach, especially for the young. Few hold little hope for a return to the principles derived from self-determination, a prerequisite for freedom and a foundation our country was built upon. Our forgotten history, especially the causes and effects […]
It has been about five years since our television went flying out the second floor window of our home. Since then we’ve seen glimpses of the outrageous “made for television” events which are effectively pitting American against American within a kaleidoscopic odyssey of hate. Not for some time with my financial support I must add. […]
Let me be clear, I am against the popular notion that a Convention of the States under Article V of the Constitution is a solution to this nation’s woes. In fact, it is my belief that such a convention would threaten the very essence of Americanism as contemplated by our founding fathers. So you understand […]