
Take action to help restore our Republic

We are blessed to have the US Constitution where our rights come from God and the Constitution is to protect those rights. There has never been a country like the United States of America in the history of the world. The enemies of liberty and freedom are organized to destroy our Constitutional Republic planning to […]


Stop gun confiscation and get us out of NAFTA and the UN

Did you know that the Federal Department of Education is an unconstitutional agency? They provide about 8-9% of Idaho’s education budget and the United Nation’s Common Core which is an educational disaster. Idaho Representative Ron Nate has introduced H412 to remove Common Core and H413 (Education Freedom in Idaho Act) will phase out federal money […]

News Opinions / Op-eds

Individual Freedom Versus the Freedom of Mankind

The history of mankind has been a spiritual & physical war between the forces of good (individual freedom) versus evil (mankind enslaved). The Declaration of Independence brought a unique beginning to America which states that Man’s rights come from a Divine Creator and that government was to serve man not enslave him. The Constitution limits government, […]


The True Meaning of Christmas

There would be no Christmas celebration without Christ. It is encouraging to see Americans around the country winning battles to uphold and restore traditional Christian values. This country was founded largely by Christians who escaped oppressive dictators in Europe and the state Church of England, which denied freedom of religious expression as do the so-called […]


Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty

President elect Trump’s victory was a miracle as the odds against him winning were huge. He had not only the Democratic Party, but also the main-stream media, the Washington Establishment, Neoconservative Republicans and likely widespread voter fraud where no photo ID was required to vote. The “deplorable” working class Americans voted Trump to drain the Washington […]


Hillary Clinton’s radical strategy to make America unrecognizable

A recent book and DVD, “Hillary’s America-The Secret History of the Democratic Party” by Dinesh D’Souza is very revealing. He warns, “We are on the brink of losing our country forever. After eight years of Obama, four or possibly eight years of Hillary Clinton as president of the United States would so utterly transform America […]


Reasons to Oppose the Trans-Pacific Partnership

Donald Trump correctly opposes the passage of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) because it would destroy individual liberty, jobs and national independence. Hillary favors TPP. TPP is 5,554 pages of regulations. Over 500,000 American jobs are estimated to be lost as more foreign migrants and refugees will provide cheap labor. Hillary wants to greatly increase Muslim, largely […]


Obama on Guns

When guns are outlawed and confiscated, then only outlaws in and out of government will have guns to control the citizens. It appears that Obama is working to join Hitler, Mao, Stalin, Lenin and Castro to disarm citizens. Gun control laws do not control crime because crimes are not committed by guns. Crimes are committed […]


Dear Patriotic American

There would be no Christmas celebration without Jesus Christ. Christianity is under severe attack today! America was founded largely by Christians who escaped oppressive dictators in Europe and the State Church of England. They denied religious freedom as exists in many communist and Islamic nations today. Until 1962, the Supreme Court ruled that we were a […]


The plan to destroy America

What led to America becoming the greatest country in the history of the world for individual rights and economic freedom?

News Opinions / Op-eds

Letter to the Editor – Concerns about the UN

Are you aware that the goal of elitists is a one world (United Nations) government? This will require us to greatly lower our standard of living! Reduce energy supplies and trade merger agreements are part of the plan!


Arsenic and the EPA

The non-scientific Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) mandate to lower arsenic levels in drinking water from 50 parts per billion to 10 ppb is not based on scientific research, and will needlessly cost taxpayers millions of dollars to comply.

Gem State Patriot News