
The Enemy’s New Strategy

Similar to Germans infiltrating American lines during WWII, private property owners are being targeted with renewed tactics to manipulate and bribe them into accepting and practicing conservation goals outlined in the current administration’s non-authorized 30×30 plan.  In fact, behind the scenes groups have been working on this for some time.  As a Republic, we have a […]



The Idaho Association of Commerce & Industry (IACI) is an “…influential force in Idaho politics representing every facet of business and industry in the state.” Indeed, through its Idaho Prosperity Fund (IPF), money is poured into “…candidates for Statewide, Legislative, and Local office”, who they determine believe in a free market society, rights of the […]

News Opinions / Op-eds

Thwarting Biden’s New Gun Control Attempt

I support the 2nd Amendment. When the government seeks to take this right from us, I speak up. The latest attempt comes from President Biden, who is seeking to join and ratify the UN Arms Trade Treaty (ATT). Biden has said on multiple occasions that he wants to ban guns, but this latest attempt comes […]


Corporations Begin The Takeover

It is the World Economic Forum (WEF) goal to fully implement the United Nations (UN) 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) as outlined in Agenda 2030. Through its global corporate partnerships, the WEF is on the fast track for implementation, mobilizing corporations to initiate the Great Reset. Established in 1995, just shortly after the signing of […]


Corporate Propaganda & Indoctrination

The World Economic Forum (WEF), through its corporate partnerships, has a plan to indoctrinate every citizen on its Great Reset agenda. According to the WEF, we must all live sustainable lives, with equality in all aspects of life, and that as a result, life will be much better for all. What isn’t mentioned is that […]


The Great Reset

Dear Representatives and Senators; You are being asked to read this information as it is the path our country will be taking if Biden assumes the office of president. Whether you are Republican or Democrat does not matter, this is an issue of forever losing the foundation of how our Republic was instituted with self-governance […]


Speaking of Digital ID

Not to minimize or negate anything, but all the fussing over masks and restriction on Constitutional rights is a drop in the bucket compared to what is being prepared for true obliteration of the same and more in the future. The Commons Project has been prepared to overtake any semblance of our Constitution. This project […]


The nine-dash line

Since 1947, China has claimed a huge chunk of the South China Sea, referring to the late Chairman Mao’s infamous and dubious nine-dash line. This line outlines the territories, islands, seas, and even countries that Mao Ze Dong claimed as ‘property of the party‘. In 2016, the U.N. Convention of the Sea and its affiliated […]


Governor Little – Complicit With Destroying The Idaho Economy

There are many Idahoans who understand this COVID19 “crisis” is not about a communicable disease, it is about destroying our economy. Governor Little is participating in this economic destruction unilaterally, without legislative involvement, instead using bureaucrats to make illogical and discriminatory decisions to close businesses. His declaration of what are essential versus non-essential workers is […]


The COVID-19 ‘Conspiracy Theory’

Fingers are always being pointed to anyone who challenges the questionable information that pours from media outlets. Anything that does not conform to the narrative and selected messaging is automatically attributed to “conspiracy” theorists. But what do those accusers say when the conspiracy filth is pouring from their own mouths? In October, 2019, corporations, governments, […]


Handing over Idaho on a Silver Platter (Part 2)

Goals, Agendas and Policies-Exposed. Are Idaho Citizens Being Played? In PART 1 – Handing Over Idaho on a Silver Platter, I shared how Idaho is not that different from other liberal states when it comes to allowing bad policies to slip into our state laws, codes, and regulations that covertly undermine our state sovereignty. I […]


Arbeit Macht Frei

Translated, Arbeit Macht Frei means, “Work Will Free You”. It is the iconic sign at the entrance of Auschwitz and many other concentration camps during WWII. Many may not realize the sign was designed by the camp’s iron-worker and mounted by prisoners themselves, the letter “B” turned upside down in protest against the slogan. At some […]

Gem State Patriot News