John Livingston News


Last week Nancy Pelosi and the Democratic leadership in the House of Representatives refused to read the names of the brave Marines and Navy Corpsmen who died in Afghanistan on the first day of the American chaotic retreat. Several members of Congress who themselves were veterans asked that after the opening prayer and The Pledge […]


Corporate Propaganda & Indoctrination

The World Economic Forum (WEF), through its corporate partnerships, has a plan to indoctrinate every citizen on its Great Reset agenda. According to the WEF, we must all live sustainable lives, with equality in all aspects of life, and that as a result, life will be much better for all. What isn’t mentioned is that […]


The Clapper News Network

— Published with Permission of — The media always rewards its leakers. The late pundit Robert Novak used to say that government officials can choose to be either “a source or a target.” In other words, leak information to reporters and you can count on flattering coverage and protection from them. An added bonus […]

Gem State Patriot News