John Livingston News

What’s in a Name?

I have many times written with reverence about the teachers and coaches in my life who always seemed to inspire and motivate me. Almost any successful person I have known can point to specific moments and people that changed the course of their lives. The unintended consequences of the type 2 mitigation strategies that have […]

John Livingston News

Our Schools Need to be Opened

The overwhelming incontrovertible scientific evidence demonstrates that we should absolutely reopen our schools for pre-K to 12th grade and yet the Nation’s second largest teachers union The American Federation of Teachers is encouraging its membership to go on strike should schools reopen. Throughout the entire world and documented in the world’s medical, public health and […]

John Livingston News

Fear vs. Faith: What Will Our Children Learn?

Cannon Charles Martin was the Headmaster of The St. Albans School for Boys at the National Cathedral in Washington DC from 1947-1977. I met Cannon Martin on several occasions when I as a Sr. medical student at Bethesda Naval Hospital in Washington DC. My best friend Jim Clark was an English teacher at the school […]


A Classical Education Primer

What exactly is a “classical Christian school?” Most people hearing this description today would have little idea what it means. The term “classical” refers to a very specific set of education principles, but many people today might dismiss the term “classical” in this context as synonymous with a “traditional” or “ordinary” Christian school. Classical education was indeed […]


Stop Killing Kids and Other Innocents

Everyone wants to “do something” to help another human being, especially in an emergency, like an active killer in a school or other public venue. Good people want to help. While we teach CPR, first aid, how to use a fire extinguisher if conditions permit, etc., we can also teach non-cops how to use a […]


Putting Mass School Shootings into Perspective

When a shocking tragedy like the recent Parkland, Florida mass school shooting takes place, the media keeps it in the headlines for days. Television inundates our senses with sights and sounds that reinforce the human emotion of the calamity while the drama is relived in front of our eyes day and night. The media milks […]


Insight into School Safety Relating to Shootings

We “need to do something” about school shootings! We need “Gun Control!” What to do? I am a largely retired civilian and law enforcement trainer who now does expert witness testimony in use of force cases primarily. I have a lengthy 30 year plus background as a civilian/LE trainer throughout this country as well as […]


Boise liberals want to pass a $172.5 million school bond — Help us STOP them!

On Tuesday, March 14, 2017, the Boise School District will ask you to approve a $172.5 million bond to cover new and unnecessary spending. Fortunately, it is not too late to stop this irresponsible growth of government. We have an incredible opportunity to convince voters in the Boise School District to REJECT this reckless increase […]


You Thought the NSA was Invasive? Schools are Worse!

Parents Upset about Invasive School Registration Questions Across Idaho, parents are discussing the kinds of school registration questions being asked about their children and they are not happy. During the past week parents have expressed concerns about the amount of information they have to enter into Power School – a registration and data management software […]

Gem State Patriot News