We must surely be a country loved by God as we have endured four long years of persecution by a government that we voted into office. There are those who have tried to destroy this great republic with more negativity than I have ever witnessed in my 79 years on this earth and it is […]
Tag: religion
Informed by Faith
As political campaigns evolve and mature, as the factions become hardened and the number of people who will determine the election becomes a smaller fraction of the electorate—who could possibly be in the middle or undecided at this point in time in our country(?)—the words of my mother who ran many political Statewide election campaigns […]
This Sunday, I was listening to my pastor’s sermon and thought to myself, why is it that we are dealing daily with attacks on Christianity, and I decided to do some research to find out why this is happening. According to a PEW survey, Church attendance has been down substantially over the last 30 years […]
Where Does Woke Come From?
The central preoccupation and conversation in our society today, in politics, in economics, and in religion and culture is centering around the idea of “Wokeness”. Many disciplines are claiming responsibility for introducing “woke” concepts into the worlds of law, business, academia, and our everyday social interactions. This idea did not just spring up “de novo” […]
A New Faith
Pretty much everything in the Bible provides guidance on how to live one’s life. In the never ending movement to usurp control over all aspects of life, the United Nations (UN) is now working on capturing control over religious institutions. Most large religious institutions have adopted the UN Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). This […]
Reasons to Celebrate CHRISTMAS
Without a doubt, Christmas is the happiest time of the year. With every package placed under the tree children look forward to Christmas with greater anticipation. Families and friends look forward to a great meal and fellowship around the table. People who ordinarily would not listen to anything you might care to share often are […]
This week I was privileged to be part of an impromptu discussion over morning coffee that included two legislators and several educators. I opined that the educational hierarchy and establishment have lost their perspective regarding the purpose, focus, and breadth of what education should be all about. I believe that people like Danial Webster, William […]
Has The Church Lost Its Way?
The conservative Catholic Bishop from Tyler Texas Fr. Joseph Strickland, an outspoken critic of the current Pope was removed last week from his ecclesiastical responsibilities by Pope Francis. According to the National Catholic Reporter, Strickland’s use of social media, his anti-vaccine message during the Covid-19 pseudo faux pandemic, his calling out of President Joe Biden […]
In his book THE FOUR LOVES, one of the topics C. S. Lewis addresses is patriotism—a timely topic this Fourth of July weekend. He states that there are three pillars that form the foundation for “proper patriotism”: Love of Home and Family Gratitude and respect for the sacrifices of those who came before us. Vigilance […]
Our Sacred Honor
The adults who oversee many of our institutions that historically have held the keys to the kingdom of the promise of hope and advancement in our society, have proceeded in a world and with hearts that are void of virtue. The predicate for all actions in a civil and ordered world must be a foundation […]
Jesus was a politician but not the type of politician we think about today. Politicians, Kings, Emperors, dictators, and tyrants all leverage the power they have at their disposal to promote themselves and preserve their own personal paths to political ascendency. Jesus rarely weighed in on political issues except to attack political and economic systems […]
The Truth will set you free
We are being lied to and have become numb to deceptions. We have allowed this misguidance to lead to the abuse of our free will and have become complacent in our acceptance of the lies being peddled before us. Rather than accepting these lies, let us follow the truth. The truth is marriage is an […]