
Idaho Delegation to Host Passport Fairs

MERIDIAN, ID – U.S. Representatives Russ Fulcher and Mike Simpson and U.S. Senators Mike Crapo and Jim Risch (all R-Idaho), in coordination with the U.S. Department of State, announced seven “Passport Fairs” to be held throughout the state from May 29 to June 1, 2024.  The fairs held in Sandpoint, Idaho Falls, Coeur d’Alene, Moscow, […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Guest Opinion: Cleveland will Protect Dams and Idaho Water

A Guest Opinion by Scott Cleveland, Candidate for Representative of 2nd Congressional District I’m Scott Cleveland and I’m the Republican candidate for Idaho’s U.S. House of Representatives 2nd Congressional District on May 21st. My opponent is career politician, Mike Simpson. While Mike Simpson has supported the dairy industry in the past, his position has changed, […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Guest opinion by Scott Cleveland, Candidate for Idaho’s 2nd CD

In spite of our 2nd Congressional District Representative’s powerful position as Chairman of one of the Appropriations Subcommittees, I believe an overwhelming majority of Idaho citizens know he has squandered the power of the purse to hold the Administration’s feet to the fire on the invasion of our southern border, has not held the line […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Idaho Politicians Who Call Themselves Conservative

Let’s start with the big lie about Rank Choice Voting being promoted by “conservatives” like former Governor Butch Otter and Former AG Jim Jones. Ranked choice voting is wrong for Idaho’s elections. To start off, it is a complex election process where voters can rank multiple candidates for a single office. If one candidate receives […]

Opinions / Op-eds

RINO Mike Simpson Proves an “R” After Your Name Means Nothing

Congressman Simpson has been in Congress from Idaho for the past 24 years and that “magic R” after his name has kept in office along with campaign contributions from the corporate interests. He spent 14 years prior to this in the Idaho House of Representatives so for nearly 40 years he has been living at […]

John Livingston

Get Er Done!

The Republican Party in both Idaho and Washington DC is dysfunctional. In Idaho we have the Eastern Republicans—District 2, led by Mike Simpson and Scot Bedke. The Western Republicans are led by Raul Labrador, Russ Fulcher and Dorothy Moon. Let’s see which faction is able to rally around one candidate for each statewide office, and […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Are They Trying?

On September 28, 2023 the United States House of Representatives passed H.R. 4665, The Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act. Both Rep. Fulcher, and surprisingly Rep. Simpson, voted yea. It now heads to the Senate so there is no guarantee it will survive there. While the whole appropriations bill itself is […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Too Many Attorneys in our Washington D.C. Legislature

[responsivevoice_button rate=”1″ voice=”UK English Male” buttontext=”Listen to Article”] I’ve been wondering for some time why is our country in such a mess politically and I think l have found at least a partial answer to the question. I did a little research and found out that most of our members of Congress and the Senate […]

Opinions / Op-eds

An Open Letter to Rep. Mike Simpson: Breaching four dams on the Snake River to supposedly save the salmon

I read your information concerning salmon and other issues concerning the breaching of four dams on the Snake River. I appreciate your information, but you did not address what I listed as major problems to improve salmon recovery without dam breaching. These are: THE COST OF $33 BILLION ADDS TO OUR BLOATED NATIONAL DEBT: We […]

Opinions / Op-eds

To Debate or Not to Debate

Reprinted with permission of the Idaho Freedom Foundation Republican lieutenant governor candidate Priscilla Giddings is 100% correct to not subject herself to a debate run by Idaho’s leftist news media. Her position is defensibly different from candidates who outright refuse to debate. It’s all about the venue and media bias. I’ve never understood why the […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Simpson Absent in Fight Against Federal Vaccine Mandates

Idaho Falls, ID – Once again liberal Mike Simpson is missing in the fight for our freedom. Much like on protecting the unborn, Simpson is one of the few Republican members of Congress not to oppose federal vaccine mandates. An amicus brief was filed by 47 United States Senators and 136 Members of the United […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Mike Simpson Fails to Stand-Up for Pro-Life Community, Again

Idaho Falls, ID – An amicus brief on a Mississippi abortion law banning abortions after 15 weeks was filed in July 2021 by a large coalition of interested parties, urging the Supreme Court to recognize state government as the proper level of authority to settle controversy on that matter.  Over 200 members of Congress signed onto […]

Gem State Patriot News