Opinions / Op-eds

Do Not Let Violence Become the Norm: Make HB71 Idaho Law

Violent activists entered the capitol building — vandalizing public facilities, threatening legislators, assaulting law enforcement, and interrupting official proceedings. Some readers might be thinking of January 6, 2021. But the sentence above actually describes events that took place this week, at the statehouse in Nashville, Tennessee.  Radical leftists, some wearing satanic garb, stormed the Tennessee […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Cronyism is alive and well in Idaho

Yes, folks Cronyism is alive and well in Idaho and while they tell you this is for the Kido’s we must wonder why Governor Little pushed so hard to get this bill passed. I would venture to say that this bill was the brainchild of Idaho’s largest lobbyists the Idaho Association of Commerce and Industry […]

John Livingston

‘The People’s Business’?

I have tremendous respect for people who expose themselves and their families to the rigors of a political campaign and the sacrifices that are made while serving in the legislature, or as a government appointee. Putting their ideas and political philosophies on the line takes political courage. I am more often than I wish left […]

Opinions / Op-eds

“Cronyism” triggers committee chair in Idaho senate

This article published with permission of the Idaho Freedom Foundation Want to know how to get escorted out of a committee hearing in the Idaho capitol? It’s easy; just shine a light on how a proposed bill benefits the donors to Governor Little. That’s what I did, and the committee chair, Senator Kevin Cook, immediately […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Idaho budget writers again give cover to leftism on college and university campuses

This article published with permission of the Idaho Freedom Foundation While other Republican-controlled states are making moves to contain the leftism incubators that are their public colleges and universities, Idaho lawmakers are gearing up to do the opposite. The Legislature’s budget committee voted Thursday to continue funding woke positions and programs at Boise State University, […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Drivers Licenses for Illegal Immigrants

The latest hot debate in the Idaho legislature is whether to give “illegal immigrants” driver’s licenses or not. Recently on-air Kevin Miller asked me about my thoughts on the topic, given the circumstances a partial answer was all I gave. My full answer on this topic is much different from both the Democrats and Republicans.  […]

John Livingston

Silencing the Free Market Lambs

Cronyism at its worst in Idaho-Pay up to get paid back. I am no longer associated with the Idaho Freedom Foundation. I believe in their principles, and I believe in their commitment to small government and liberty ideals. Ron Nate has been an incredible addition to the organization, and it will be because of people […]

John Livingston


(The contents of this article are the opinion of the author and not necessarily of the Gem State Patriot.) Repeal the Grocery Tax—ASAP Property tax relief with a “mark to sale” property tax vs a “mark to market” tax—this session—please and thank you. Accountability of government agencies (DHW) and (DE) that are conduits for over […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Idahoans Are Getting Screwed on Property Tax Relief

Idahoans have been suffering from increases in property tax, especially over the last few years. The cost of people moving here from out of state, and the impact that has on our city infrastructures has only added to this burden. There are two bills currently being held in committees that would help ease the burden […]

John Livingston

Disclose, Declare, Recuse — Play By The Rules

It seems to me as a non-lawyer that two very important issues are misunderstood by citizens but also by our elected and appointed officials in government. The open meeting laws and requirements for disclosure prior to discussing business between several members of a committee or council even though the meeting was spontaneous and not about […]

John Livingston

Modern Day Lafayettes

I would like to offer a “tip of the hat” to my friends at The Idaho Freedom Foundation. In an article published two days ago, the authors Fred Birnbaum, Ronald Nate PhD., and Niklas Kleinworth outline in a policy paper entitled MEDCAID IN IDAHO: A POLICY PRIMER the predicate, the unfulfilled promise, the financial house […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Education Freedom

The new Education Freedom Bill, which has garnered a fair amount of support and opposition, has passed the Senate Education Committee with a do pass recommendation. S1038 would essentially create an Education Savings Account (ESA) of roughly $6,000 per child, giving the parent more options in choosing an educational setting for their child, K-12th grade. […]

Gem State Patriot News