John Livingston

The Concentration of Power

Before I begin my discussion about the ever-increasing concentration of power into government bureaucracies at all levels, let me say that I have tremendous admiration and respect for people who put themselves and their families on the line to run for public office, and if elected serve, many times sitting at endless meetings and briefings […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

What Surprises will this year’s Legislative Session bring?

I’m sure most Idahoans will be curious to see just our legislators have in store for us in 2024. Maybe some tax cuts? Don’t count on it. One thing is for sure since it is an election year, we actually might see some kowtowing to the voters who elected our NOT-so-conservative Senate and Somewhat conservative […]

Opinions / Op-eds

The Business of Politics

The most powerful lobbying agency in Idaho is unknown to most Idaho voters. This organization wields enormous power and influence over every state elected official. How do we know this? None of them will openly criticize, or even talk about it. In 1974 the Idaho State Chamber of Commerce and the Associated Industries of Idaho […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Democrats Control Idaho Senate – Republicans Narrowly Hold House

This was a headline from a recently released report on legislative voting from the Institute for Legislative Analysis. While I’m not fond of the term RINO there are other descriptions that come to mind like imposter, cheat, and liar. I recall a time not to long ago when I sat in a central committee meeting […]


Senator Brian Lenney Announces Bill to Disband DEI Bureaucracies in Idaho Public Higher Education

Nampa, ID – December 18, 2023 – State Senator Brian Lenney of the Idaho Freedom Caucus is spearheading a bill for the 2024 session to reshape Idaho’s public higher education. His legislation, banning the funding and creation of DEI offices, mirrors similar movements in Oklahoma, Florida, Texas, and Iowa, prioritizing merit and equal opportunity over […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Dipping into taxpayer’s pockets (again)!

Follow Sen. Cindy Carlson on Substack. Hey there Supporters, For those of you who have been defending my vote the last few days on social media and have sent private emails and text messages in support of my vote on HB222, thank you.   For those of you who might be unaware, a hit piece flyer […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Op-Ed: More Winder Transgressions

Well understood by those paying attention is the now morphed system we have from representation of the people to crony capitalism, or corporate representation. Elected officials in bed with corporations and third party entities, deals made that benefit those groups and those officials who are in bed with them, and new unconstitutional paths being forced […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Mr. Winder And His Corporate Comradery

According to Senator Chuck Winder, President Pro Tempore, “All the power that’s given to the government comes from the people and because of that government should be serving the people in a way the people want and not the other way around.” At least that is his claim on his website. Mr. Winder recently decided […]


An Attack on Elected Representation: The Idaho Freedom Caucus Will Not Be Intimidated

In an alarming act of authoritarianism, Pro Tempore Senator Chuck Winder unilaterally stripped Senator Glenneda Zuiderveld from her position as Vice Chair of the Senate’s Health and Welfare Committee. In addition, he issued condescending letters threatening Senators Scott Herndon and Glenneda Zuiderveld with ethics complaints if they continue to speak and write about the out-of-control […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Tighty-Whities Winder

Apparently, Senate President Pro Tem Chuck Winder tighty-whities are in a wad. Senator Glenneda Zuiderveld wrote a post that clearly, and accurately, revealed the truth about the sad state of affairs in our government by exposing the relationships of some government officials to the corporate world. There isn’t one iota of misrepresentation in what she […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Which Idaho Legislators are the True Conservatives?

The Devil is in the Details If we can’t fix the problems with our state, how do we expect to fix the problems confronting our country? It appears that the Idaho Association of Commerce and Industry (IACI) are starting early to secure House and Senate seats for their Crony RINOs who continue to infiltrate Idaho’s […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

The Disarming of America

As Hunter Biden was being indicted on federal gun charges, much of the nation was shocked when New Mexico’s Governor came out with a gun ban because of the number of shootings that had taken place recently. If you think for a minute that the left is letting up on taking our guns you had […]

Gem State Patriot News