
House Joint Memorial 6

In this 2019 legislative session, House Joint Memorial 6 (HJM 6), Wildlife Crossings, has passed through the Transportation & Defense Committee for a third reading. It specifically relates to the omission of local citizen and government involvement in the decision for wildlife overpasses in the Targhee Pass transportation project. HJM 6 is a memorial that […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

A Case against Fining Drivers for Using Cell Phones

I would like to chime in on the legislative argument requiring larger fines for cell phone use while driving. I think the government has infringed on our freedoms enough. We all know it is dangerous to be distracted by talking on a cell phone while driving, but we already have a law on the books […]


Six Problems with “Marsy’s Law for Idaho”

1. It creates broad new rights which do not apply to all people. The “Marsy’s Law for Idaho” proposal (SJR101) would create an entirely new constitutional right “to reasonable protection from the accused and those acting on behalf of the accused throughout the criminal justice process.” This right would be extended only to a “crime victim,” […]

John Livingston News

Why Legislative Do-Gooders Hurt More than Help

Minimum wage and Medicaid Expansion are programs designed to help those on the margin. Unfortunately, those who seem to assume a position of moral superiority—in days past, they were called “do-gooders”—don’t understand the lessons of economic history and don’t realize that the programs that are supposed to help those in need actually hurt innocent citizens […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Minimum Wage Increase vs Grocery Tax Repeal

Rep. Sue Chew is a pharmacist and she should stick to filling prescriptions and stop medaling with economics, which she has just proven to us that she knows nothing about with her introduction of a minimum a wage bill in the Idaho legislature. There are several states that have increased their state minimum wages to […]


Will an ‘Add The Words’ Law truly create equality?

Last week activist groups flooded the Idaho Capitol to argue for adding “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” to the Civil Rights section of Idaho law. The recurring campaign to “add the words” ebbs and flows. It resurfaces in varying degrees annually, though the legislature repeatedly and consistently rejects their proposal. These groups believe adding the […]


Did Idaho Legislators Sell Out to Pharmaceutical Companies?

No matter what your personal beliefs on the effectiveness of vaccines, I want to raise awareness of Big Pharma’s influence on dissolving our nation’s most valuable founding principle: FREEDOM. It is happening right here in Idaho, right now. On January 10th, the Idaho House Health & Welfare Committee voted in a 7-6 decision to allow […]


The Truth About the Meningococcal (MenACWY) Vaccine and Your Child

Last week in the Idaho House Health and Welfare Committee, after much debate and controversy, an administrative rule was passed by a 7-6 vote to mandate 12th-grade high school students receive the Meningococcal vaccine. This rule is not required to be heard or debated by the entire body of the Idaho House or Senate and […]


Four Idaho Republicans Join Democrats to Impose Vaccine Mandate

Representatives Fred Wood, Jarom Wagoner, Marc Gibbs, and Laurie Lickley, Today [January 10, 2019], I watched as you voted ‘yes’ to mandate the meningitis vaccine for children. In other words, you voted ‘yes’ to increase government and to limit parental rights and personal responsibility. With this vote you joined the ranks of big government Democrats, denied the party to […]


The Constitution vs. The Will of the People

The Petition: In our democracy we must respect the ‘will of the people’ is a phrase we have all heard, but is it true? Is the democratic majority the ultimate standard of what is right? Imagine for the moment that there is a voter initiative on the ballot, call it Proposition 0, that specifies […]


2018 Idaho General Election Endorsements

Idaho’s General Election takes place on Tuesday, November 6, 2018. Please consider the following recommendations and endorsements. Proposition 1 (Restore Historical Horse Racing): No Recommendation Proposition 2 (Medicaid Expansion): NO Local Vehicle Registration Fees (Ada County): NO College Of Western Idaho School Plant Facilities Reserve Fund Levy (Treasure Valley): NO United States Representative—District 1 Russ […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Rep. Priscilla Giddings Faces Kangaroo Tax Commission Hearing

We took the time this past week to attend an open Ada County Commissioners’ hearing for Priscilla Giddings, a state representative from Idaho County. What we found out was quite interesting and somewhat confusing. The lawyer for Mrs. Giddings presented a very cogent case stating all of the necessary requirements under Idaho law on what […]

Gem State Patriot News