John Livingston News

“Every Battle Is Won Before IT Is Fought” Sun Tzu THE ART OF WAR

Preparationā€”Position and Planningā€”Executionā€”(adjust and repeat): Every great military leader from the Great Chinese Dynasties, the Romans, and Spartans, The Patriarchs of The Old Testamentā€”in the story of David and Goliathā€” David followed these rules meticulously, up through modern times with MacArthur, Patton, Eisenhower, and Rommel, when these rules are followed there will also follow success […]

John Livingston News

It’s All Connected

Has anyone noticed the connection between “Wokeness” and corporate cronyism”? What about between “stakeholder capitalism” and “economic Fascism” like we saw in Mussolini’s Italy or Hitler’s Third Reich, or in any totalitarian Marxist State? Our own country was founded on Judeo Christian Enlightenment ideals of individual liberty and the belief that we are united as […]



This last Memorial Day at the Field of Heroes in Pocatello, a dignified plaque was placed before those attending with the inscription “ā€¦ we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortune and our sacred Honor.” It is a familiar phrase. It can be found in the closing statement of the Declaration of Independence. […]

John Livingston News

Things To Live And Die For

I have recently completed reading three books that on the surface seem to have nothing to do with each other, but I believe there is a common theme found in these treasures that is worth commenting about. The first book I have discussed previously and is about Fr. Pierre John Desmet a Flemish Jesuit Priest […]


Governor Little Should Have “Let the People Go”

Last week while Governor Little was out of state, Lieutenant Governor Janice McGeachin, acting as Governor in Little’s absence, signed an executive order that prevented cities, local school boards, and other local government authorities from mandating masks. Upon his return, Little immediately rescinded McGeachin’s executive order. Now local governments can once again mandate masks. Little […]


A Modern Story of Heroes in the Fight for Freedom

Many of us will be celebrating Memorial Day this weekend. Perhaps a visit to the tombstones of the fallen heroes, followed by a barbecue with family and friends. Few will pay any attention to the story of Christopher Ahn, a US citizen from naturalized North Korean parents, and a former US Marine. Ahn loves his […]

John Livingston News

Memorial Day Service Before Self

On this Memorial Day weekend, it is important to reflect on the almost 1million Americans who have given their lives for their country. I was honored to have been on active duty for 12 years as a Navy Medical Officer and Surgeon and 4 more years in the reserves. I was called up briefly to […]

John Livingston News

Father De Smet: People Who Write Revisionist History are Cowards

I spend long winter nights studying for my summer camping trips. Lynn and I bought a new RV three years ago and we made our 1st trip a “Louis and Clark” trip stopping along many historical spots on the Missouri River and The Yellowstone Rivers. We covered 2000miles. The Corps of Discovery traveled 6000 miles […]

News Opinions / Op-eds

Cancel Culture and the War on History

Cancel culture may not be brand new, but it has certainly escalated to a point where it can no longer be ignored or regarded as a fringe phenomenon. Hardly a day goes by that some household name is not tagged as having violated some cultural rule and therefore forfeited his place in the cultural zeitgeist. […]

John Livingston News

The Reason for our Troubles

In his famous speech in 1862 at Philadelphia’s National Hall, Frederick Douglas stated, “that nations, not less individuals, are subjects to the moral government of the universe and that. Persistent transgressions of the laws of this Devine (United States) government will certainly bring national sorrow, shame, suffering and death.” C. S. Lewis showed in THE […]

John Livingston News

Public Safety and Individual Responsivity

In 1998, Peter Bernstein wrote a book entitled THE REMARKABLE HISTORY OF RISK. It was part mathematics, part history and part psychology. The basic takeaway for me was twofold: 1. That risk is individual and based on experience and information 2. That the very process of avoiding riskā€”risk mitigation, can lead to unintended consequences that […]

John Livingston News

Sleepy Joe and Aaron Burr

I am flattered that I have received so many e-mails regarding my article last week about HOMICIDE OR SUICIDE pointing out that the margin of victory for Joe Biden in 4 key States was less than the votes received by the libertarian candidates in those States. There is no question in my mind that significant […]

Gem State Patriot News