Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Weighing in on the Grocery Tax and State of the State

Let me try to clarify what the governor said in his state of the state message because, like all politicians, he gives us a lot of double talk that needs to be translated into common English. The Grocery Tax from our conservative Representative Priscilla Giddings: During the 2019 Legislative session, based on the Wayfair decision, […]


Could Little’s Budget Cuts Mean Higher Taxes on the Horizion?

Governor Little has asked all state agencies to cut their budgets by 1% for this year and 2% for next because of falling tax revenues. He has also asked our state colleges to cut their budgets by 1% this year and 2% next year. The only budgets that were not cut were those connected with […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Let’s Talk Turkey on Taxes

First, I would like to chime in on some of your comments about the legislature and how they do a lot of talking but when it comes to cutting their bloated budgets and reducing taxes, they are nothing but a flock of lame ducks. Let’s be honest; most of them have yet to prove themselves […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Minimum Wage Increase vs Grocery Tax Repeal

Rep. Sue Chew is a pharmacist and she should stick to filling prescriptions and stop medaling with economics, which she has just proven to us that she knows nothing about with her introduction of a minimum a wage bill in the Idaho legislature. There are several states that have increased their state minimum wages to […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

The Three Stooges go to Washington

This past week many of you may have received an e-mail from Lt. Governor Brad Little or seen him on Fox News blustering about his recent visit to Washington to meet with officials from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and Seema Verma. Little, accompanied by Senator James Risch and Department of Insurance […]


Taxed Enough Already? Idaho’s Tax Climate is the worst in the Region

Idaho enjoys a reputation as a ‘conservative’ state due primarily to the Republican supermajority in the state legislature, but despite the commonality of the belief, the reality is far different. Yes, Idaho has less restrictive gun laws than many other states (even though there are still several problems to be resolved), but when it comes […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Grocery Tax Repeal Vetoed: Governor Says, Screw the Taxpayers

Otter says the money you would save by repealing the grocery tax is imaginary. Next time you buy groceries for your family take out your imaginary money and think about the Governor living it up on his ranch catering to his crony friends who get all the tax breaks. Otter, like so many other career […]

News Opinions / Op-eds

Give Idahoans Tax Relief; Eliminate the Tax on Groceries

I congratulate the legislature for voting to eliminate the tax on groceries! I encourage the Governor to sign the grocery tax repeal into law, and I invite the Lt. Governor to join me in this effort! That will be a great day for struggling Idaho families! Currently, Idahoans can get a grocery tax credit when […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom Gem State Patriot TV News

VIDEO: Bob Neugebauer testifies in favor of repealing the sales tax on groceries

Bob Neugebauer (AKA “Tea Party Bob”) testifies in favor of H 67a, the repeal of the sales tax on groceries. You can read his testimony here.

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Testimony for a Hearing on Elimination of Grocery Tax

I have been fighting for four years to eliminate this horribly regressive grocery tax on the citizens of Idaho. Let me start off by saying that none of the members of this committee look malnourished, but there are many people in Idaho who are, and it may not be just because of the grocery tax, […]

Gem State Patriot News