
KC Lincoln Day Dinner Again Declares ‘Making America Great Again Begins In Idaho’

With the recurring theme ‘Making America Great Again Begins in Idaho,’ the Kootenai County GOP’s annual Lincoln Day Dinner was a great success especially when you consider the large turnout was on a Friday night during Lent and many of our legislators were still in Boise, stated event chairman Don Bradway. Central Committee Chairman Brent […]

News Opinions / Op-eds

If Trump is King Cyrus, What Does it Say About the American Church?

During the 2016 Presidential election, a number of Christian personalities began making a comparison between the ancient Persian King Cyrus, a heathen king who God used to release the Jews from their Babylonian captivity, and Donald Trump as a potential modern-day deliverer of American Christians. It seems that idea is still in vogue, at least […]


It’s Time to Choose: Prosperity or Crazy

There are two clear choices. Prosperity and booming economy. Or pure freaking crazy. On one hand… Small business optimism is the highest in almost four decades (since the great Ronald Reagan) and the 2nd highest in history. The single biggest problem for business under Trump…their only complaint nowadays…is finding decent quality employees. There are now more jobs […]


Trump Killed the Democrat Party

Liberals are melting down. They’re on “full tilt.” They’ve lost their minds. President Trump has routed them. Democrats are about to become an insignificant minority party. Look no further than the news of the past few days. President Trump’s approval rating at Rasmussen (the most accurate poll of the 2016 election) is at 50%. That’s […]


The Coming Trump Landslide

I know Donny Deutsch only too well. A stereotypical, spoiled-brat, lucky sperm club New York liberal. CNBC had two fair-haired boys they were grooming to be the stars of their network in the early 2000’s: Donny Deutsch and Wayne Allyn Root. CNBC gave Donny his own TV show. They made the decision to give me two […]


Obama’s Bunker Festers in The Swamp

Once upon a time, a seasoned political operative ran for President of the United States against a candidate who had virtually no political experience. She—Democrat Ms. Hillary Clinton—former First Lady of Arkansas, former First Lady of the United States, former U.S. Senator from New York, former Secretary of State under the faux “president” Barack Obama, […]


Outsiders vs. Insiders: Pelosi, Bernie & Hillary will send voters sprinting to the GOP in 2018

— Published with Permission of — Peruse the Opinion page on any given day and invariably there’s a liberal writer taking insulting and personal digs at President Donald Trump. It seems the moment anyone in his administration is accused of something akin to poor temperament or sexual misconduct – it immediately goes right back to […]


How President Trump Can Win Black & Hispanic Vote for GOP

You know why Donald J. Trump is president? It’s not because of “Russian collusion.” It’s not because of “racism.” It’s because average middle-class Americans have dreams too. We’re sick of being treated as second-class citizens. We’re sick of seeing Democrats put the dreams of illegal aliens over ours. We’re sick of Democrats talking all day […]


Democrats Have Worst Poker Hand in History

Remember the movie “Trading Places” with Eddie Murphy? Democrats are in such precarious shape right now, I wouldn’t trade places with them for all the money in the world. That would be “fool’s gold.” I’ve never seen a hand this bad. In Texas Hold ’em poker the single worst hand is 2 and 7. Your chances of winning are […]


The Scandal to End All Scandals

I’d like to write more about the booming Trump economy. About bonuses for 2 million workers and bigger paychecks for 90% of taxpayers because of the Trump tax cuts. And Trump’s amazing triumphant appearance at Davos—telling the entire world that America is now open for business. But I can’t use this column for all of […]


VIDEO: The Best Detailed Synopsis of FBI & DOJ Corruption

A must-see 31-minute video! In April of 2016, the FISA court issued a 99-page opinion which most people have never heard of. That opinion describes illegal activity by the FBI, illegal activity by contractors and it calls it the improper disclosure of raw intelligence about Americans to unauthorized individuals. All those things the bureau did […]


Now is the time to crush the Democrats

— Published with Permission of — President Trump gets it, but it unfortunately does not look like the Capitol Hill Republican “leadership” understands how to make the most of the #SchumerShutdown. President Trump’s political operation has released a powerful ad calling Democrats “complicit” in the deaths of Americans murdered by illegal aliens: Donald Trump was elected President […]

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