
Astounding Parallels to the Watergate Scandal

— Published with Permission of — As we watch the seams of the Presidency split away for the second time in my lifetime, the parallels to the Watergate scandal are astounding. Why astounding? Because I would have thought, and did think, that the lessons from Watergate were clear enough to guide any member of […]


Kavanaugh, Booker, anonymous, Woodward, and Obama!

A Frightening Week as “Hurricane Mueller” and Impeachment Close in on Trump! It was a wild week! Not just because of the confirmation hearings for Judge Brett Kavanaugh and the dog and pony show we were forced to witness from both political parties, much less the leftist vigilante mostly radical feminist shrieking “disrupters” lodged in […]


We Must Help Trump, ‘Our Blessed Gift for Our Time,’ in the Mid-Terms

We MUST NOT Be Complacent President Trump’s list of accomplishments seen at for his first year alone is incredible. Also, a general overview of his first 500 days by can be seen at President Donald J. Trump’s 500 Days of American Greatness. All Americans should be grateful for these most meaningful accomplishments; but […]


Trump Endangered Species revisions a step in the right direction

— Published with Permission of — The environmental lobby has always viewed endangered listings themselves as the primary goal, because listings lead to regulating business activity like mining, ranching, logging, and energy. That’s why such groups have petitioned the government to add another 145 new species to the list, an effort that will never […]


Trusting the untrustworthy

— Published with Permission of — Sir Alexander Fraser Tytler (1747-1813), a Scottish jurist and historian, provides an explanation for why great societies do not survive for more than 200 years: “A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largess […]


David and Goliath in the court of public opinion

The Goliath narrative in 1 Samuel 17 opens with the Philistine army gathered for war against Israel. “Saul and the Israelites are facing the Philistines in the Valley of Elah. Twice a day for 40 days, morning and evening, Goliath, the champion of the Philistines, comes out between the lines and challenges the Israelites to send out a champion of their own […]


What the MSM Doesn’t Get About Trump’s Support

— Published with Permission of — Much to the amazement of the establishment media, President Trump’s job approval rating held steady despite former campaign chairman Paul Manafort’s conviction on tax and bank fraud charges and ex-personal lawyer Michael Cohen’s guilty plea last week, according to the results of two polls released over the weekend. […]


Why Do Liberals Keep Hurting Themselves?

Liberals are so obsessed with Donald Trump. But maybe they should start looking in the mirror. The problem is they won’t like what they see. Donald Trump isn’t hurting you. You’re hurting and killing yourselves. You are your own worst enemies. You can never admit that, so you focus all your anger, bitterness, frustration and […]


The ‘Enemy of the People’ Media were on the Wrong Side in the Revolution

— Published with Permission of — Yesterday, some 300 newspapers published editorials attacking President Trump for calling certain media figures and companies “the enemy of the people.” The effort was conceived by the Boston Globe and promoted by the American Society of News Editors, the New England Newspaper and Press Association and other groups. […]

News Opinions / Op-eds

Thank You President Trump

From the Editorial Board of Gem State Patriot News While 350 newspapers around the globe are writing fake news articles about President Trump, we would like to thank him for the many good things he has done to turn around our country from eight years of oppression by former president Obama. Since taking office, President […]


Trump tweet nails it, bad policies behind nightmare California wildfires

— Published with Permission of — California environmental policy has forced the diversion of water from agricultural lands for years to instream flow, purportedly to help several species of fish, most infamously the Delta Smelt. This water, instead of keeping California’s croplands lush and productive, runs into the Pacific Ocean. The protracted drought in […]


Outsiders vs. Insiders: Have GOP leaders turned traitor or will they act before it’s too late?

— Published with Permission of — In the old days, warfare was much simpler. Generally speaking, armies marched under a common flag, wore brightly colored uniforms (to unmistakably identify themselves to friends and enemies alike) and refused to even consider switching sides mid-battle for fear of being taken prisoner (or worse) and therefore confined […]

Gem State Patriot News