Opinions / Op-eds

Civil Society

What comes to mind when thinking about a civil society? Perhaps where people interact in a civil manner, or the community at large participates with civility, airing differences without harshness towards one another. How did the Founders view a civil society? Just prior to the Declaration of Independence, Alexander Hamilton declared, “When the first principles […]

John Livingston

Look at me — Both Ways!

Our Founding Fathers never anticipated political parties or the influence that special interests and lobbyists would have on the political process. Governance, the bureaucratic State evolving into an administrative deep state answerable only to an elite ruling class were afterthoughts. Our Founding Fathers weren’t naive, and they understood very clearly the fallen nature of man […]

Opinions / Op-eds

What is Independence Day Really About?

The 4th of July, or Independence Day, is a day of celebration for Americans all across our nation, filled with parades, barbecues, family gatherings, and fireworks. But what is Independence Day really all about? Is it just another one of those holidays that give us an excuse to barbecue and party, or is it a […]

Opinions / Op-eds

A Tribute to Veterans & Patriots – Past and Present

Our thanks goes out to those men and women who made it possible to have liberty and freedom today that came forth from the Founding Fathers. They produced the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution including The Bill of Rights. They pledged their lives, fortunes and sacred honor and sacrificed much so that we […]

Opinions / Op-eds

The Right to Revolution

Why do you suppose the First Amendment says, “Congress shall make no law…” while the Second Amendment says, “shall not be infringed”? Clearly, there is a difference in these statements. One limits a specific entity of government while the other is a blanket and all-encompassing statement. The right to keep and bear arms as recognized […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Losing Our Culture

America was founded by religious Christians who believed the Bible and followed it in their daily lives. We have gradually reached the point where Christianity has no place in public discourse. American culture is gradually being destroyed by left wing socialist ideas, and a foreign invasion that is working against everything that we hold dear. […]

Opinions / Op-eds

My Safer Household

This election this year is one of the most important elections we have ever had in this country. It is on par with the Declaration of Independence. It is my conviction that this is the year for us to declare our Declaration of Independence. It is not a time for deciding who holds what office […]

News Opinions / Op-eds

Join or Die

Right now, we are all witnessing the beginning of a reign of terror unparalleled in human history. The global scam that we have been enduring for the last year and a half is an intricately orchestrated, worldwide coup — and the saddest part is that billions of people have already fallen for it. As bad […]

John Livingston

No God, No Liberty

Blaise Pascal in several of his books uses the example of the holes we are all born with in our spiritual hearts. How we fill those holes and what we fill those holes with defines who we are. Holes can be filled with things like money and big houses and cars. They can be filled […]



This last Memorial Day at the Field of Heroes in Pocatello, a dignified plaque was placed before those attending with the inscription “… we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortune and our sacred Honor.” It is a familiar phrase. It can be found in the closing statement of the Declaration of Independence. […]

John Livingston News

Please, No Knee, Mr. Brees

I have become increasingly concerned over the past week about the ritualistic and almost religious nature of the actions of the “Black Lives Matter”(BLM) and ANTIFA movement. CNN showed a video of a white lady being ordered to her knees and coerced into confessing her sin of “white privilege”. Social media has been deluged with […]

News Opinions / Op-eds

Individual Freedom Versus the Freedom of Mankind

The history of mankind has been a spiritual & physical war between the forces of good (individual freedom) versus evil (mankind enslaved). The Declaration of Independence brought a unique beginning to America which states that Man’s rights come from a Divine Creator and that government was to serve man not enslave him. The Constitution limits government, […]

Gem State Patriot News