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What is Independence Day Really About?

The 4th of July, or Independence Day, is a day of celebration for Americans all across our nation, filled with parades, barbecues, family gatherings, and fireworks. But what is Independence Day really all about? Is it just another one of those holidays that give us an excuse to barbecue and party, or is it a day that is meant to be more meaningful, and sacred?

On July 4th, 1776, the founding fathers of our great nation approved the Declaration of Independence, which officially declared America’s independence from Great Britain. It was truly a defining moment in our nation’s history; 13 colonies made up of hardworking, freedom-loving individuals from all walks of life (farmers, businessmen, lawyers, merchants, blacksmiths, etc.) that were willing to take a stand against the most powerful nation and military in the world at the time. What made them choose to take such a drastic step? 

Many Americans today are familiar with the phrase, “No taxation without representation.” In fact, we are often told that this was the main reason that the American colonies chose to separate from Great Britain. In actuality, it was only one of 27 grievances (number 17 to be exact) listed in the Declaration of Independence that were made against them by King George III. Each of the grievances detail how the individual liberties of the colonists were violated and trampled upon. From the disruption and dismantling of lawful local colonial government, to cutting off the colonies from trade, conscripting the colonists into military service and forcing them to fight against their own countrymen, and the devastation of the lives of the colonists through violence, plunder, and destruction. The colonists repeatedly petitioned Great Britain to right the wrongs committed against them, but they were only answered by still more tyranny and injustice. 

At last, the American colonists were forced into making a stand for their freedom. The Declaration of Independence was drafted, deliberated upon, ratified and signed by 56 representatives from the 13 colonies, the signers fully realizing that even merely signing the Declaration of Independence could cost them their lives. All of them were willing to pledge their “lives, fortunes, and sacred honor” to the cause of freedom, and were willing to put everything they had on the line—even their lives—so that others (their fellow colonists, families, friends, children, and the generations to come) could have a chance to live in a free country. Thousands of men, old and young, went on to give their lives during the American Revolution, which lasted over 8 years. Of the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence, 17 lost their fortunes, 12 had their homes utterly destroyed, 9 died in battle, 5 were put under arrest as traitors, and 2 had sons that were killed in the war [1].

Christ Troupis Book

Our forefathers were willing to risk everything to give us the blessed nation and freedoms that we have today. If it were not for their sacrifice, there would be no United States of America, no Declaration of Independence…no 4th of July. On this Independence Day, I would encourage everyone who reads this to take the time to read the Declaration of Independence, which birthed our nation, and take some time to reflect on the great sacrifice that was paid for your freedom. Most importantly, may each one of us do all within our power to ensure that this priceless gift that has been entrusted to us is passed down to the generations to come. 

“Posterity! You will never know how much it cost the present generation to preserve your freedom! I hope you will make a good use of it [2].”

 ~ John Adams


[1] Federer, William. (2004.) American Minute. AmeriSearch, Inc.

[2] National Archives. (n.d.) John Adams to Abigail Adams, 26 April, 1777. Retrieved on June 27, 2023, from: 

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4 replies on “What is Independence Day Really About?”

Holy Moly! This is awesome! So well written and informative. I love this country and I too hope everyone reads this AND the Declaration of Independence.

We are lucky to have you in our community, you are gracious, articulate and generous with your time and knowledge!

WHAT EXACTLY are Americans celebrating when they celebrate Independence Day?

At the best, the independence of one humanistic secular nation from that of another humanistic secular nation. And, let there be no mistake, what the former has become is multiplied times worse than the one they rebelled against.

Don’t believe me! Then perhaps you will the prophetic words of Patrick Henry who, by the way, refused to attend the Constitutional Convention as one of Virginia’s delegates, declaring “I smelt a rat!”:

“…Convinced the Constitution would fail to secure and protect liberty, Patrick Henry voiced his concerns to the Virginia Ratifying Convention in 1788:

‘…I say our privileges and rights are in danger. …the new form of Government … will … effectually … oppress and ruin the people…. In some parts of the plan before you, the great rights of freemen are endangered, in other parts, absolutely taken away…. There will be no checks, no real balances, in this Government: What can avail your specious imaginary balances, your rope-dancing, chain-rattling, ridiculous ideal checks and contrivances? …And yet who knows the dangers that this new system may produce: they are out of the sight of the common people: They cannot foresee latent consequences…. I see great jeopardy in this new Government.’67

“In contrast to the federalists’ failed predictions, this and nearly everything the anti-federalists forecast about the Constitution has come true [even after the Bill of Rights was added]….”

For more, see Chapter 3 “The Preamble: We the People vs. Yahweh” of free online book “Bible Law vs, the United States Constitution: The Christian Perspective” at

See also, free online book “Biblical Examination of the Declaration of Independence: Declaration of LIberty vs. Declaration of Independence” at

This book was just published last month and makes a great companion book to “Bible Law vs. the United States Constitution: The Christian Perspective.” Both books are available individually on our Store page at, or for a reduced suggested donation for both books, see

“The general principles on which the fathers achieved independence were…the general principles of Christianity [2].”
~John Adams

“The religion which has introduced civil liberty is the religion of Christ and His Apostles….This is genuine Christianity and to this we owe our free constitutions of government [3].”
~Noah Webster

“No people can be bound to acknowledge and adore the invisible Hand which conducts the affairs of men more than the people of the United States….We ought to be no less persuaded that the propitious [favorable] smile of Heaven can never be expected on a nation which disregards the eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself ordained [11].”
~George Washington

“We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridles by morality and religion….Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for the government of any other [12].”
~John Adams

“Whether this [new government] will prove a blessing or a curse will depend upon the use our people make of the blessing which a gracious God hath bestowed on us. If they are wise, they will be great and happy. If they are of a contrary character, they will be miserable. Righteousness alone can exalt them as a nation [Proverbs 14:34]. Reader! Whoever thou art, remember this, and in thy sphere practice virtue thyself and encourage it in others [4].”
~Patrick Henry

“Can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are the gift of God? That they are not to be violated but with His wrath? Indeed, I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that His justice cannot sleep forever [5].”
~Thomas Jefferson

2 Letter to Thomas Jefferson, June 28, 1813; 3 History of the United States, 1832; 4 From Henry’s handwritten notes on the back of his copy of the Stop Act resolutions, made public after his death; 5 Notes on the State of Virginia, 1781; 11 “Inaugural Address,” April 30, 1789; 12 Letter of October, 13 1789.

(Wallbuilders, (n.d.) Tract: America, God Shed His Grace on Thee)
For more information, see

“If My people, which are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”
2 Chronicles 7:14

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