Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Here come the Clowns

Why are Liberals so sensitive when someone makes fun of them? We are speaking about the depiction of the new President of Boise State University as a clown. I only wish there were more clown pictures of the people in our education system to whom we pay obscene amounts of money for teaching our children […]


Trump’s Executive Order for Colleges – How Idaho is affected

Trump’s executive order will directly affect Boise State University in a punitive manner. Former Boise State President Bob Kustra’s stated goal was to transform Boise State into a “metropolitan research university of distinction” shortly after his 2003 arrival. Transforming Boise State came at the cost of having undergraduate students as their primary customer; this meant […]


Have the money follow the students in higher education

A friend of mine, that passed away years ago, believed there were 4 or 5 “P’s” when it came to politics. Four definite “P’s” were power, prestige, profit, and program; I believe these are self-explanatory. My friend’s fifth optional “P” involved a female body part. (I have purposefully left out this fifth “P” word.) I […]

News Opinions / Op-eds

Goodbye Kustra and Unfair Policies for our Military at Boise State?

Thirty-five years ago, extension classes on Mountain Home Air Force Base and in Mountain Home were provided on a regular basis from Boise State University; the University was quite accommodating at this point in time. Around fifteen years ago, there was a shift in mindset involving supporting these programs. At this point in time, members […]


Idaho’s Campus Carry Law Needs Reform

It has been three years since Idaho passed its version of campus carry and one year since Idaho passed permitless carry, and yet—despite the forecast of mass chaos from Michael Bloomberg and the rest of his Chicken Little cohorts—the sky has not fallen. Despite the general calm in Idaho, however, there have been shootings on […]


Notes for the Boise State University Wrestling Resistance

A few elections ago, I asked a friend to ask for the salaries of Boise State University people. The hard copy information exists in their library and is available upon request at the front desk. My friend got the run-around and finally when she was presented the information, the University wanted to charge her hundreds […]

Gem State Patriot News