Bob's Words of Wisdom

America at a Turning Point

How our country has changed in 2 ½ short years with the ungodly Democrats in charge. We hear them talking about abortion in terms of man’s laws instead of God’s law and this is where the real problem lies. We as a nation have devolved to the point that we no longer live by God’s […]

John Livingston

The Woke Virus

My Quaker grandmother told me to always be careful of ones’ thoughts. There is a cycle from thoughts to words to actions and finally habits develop, and habits can be hard to break and can define a life. The chain from words to habits can be good or bad. Sometimes we have bad habits that […]

John Livingston

A True Feminist

Helen B. Taussig was one of the greatest individuals I have ever met. She was a pioneer in her field of pediatric cardiology and was one of the founders of the Taussig—Blalock—Thompson shunt. She was a true classical feminist. We had a relationship that traversed two generations within my family. My father was a family […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

What happened to “My Body My Choice”?

Two Years of Stupid While a very popular Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed a bill stopping vaccine mandates with few exceptions, in Idaho one of the supposedly Reddest of the Red States continues to have our natural rights violated. Where was our governor when mandates were issued by hospitals and corporations to defend the citizens […]

Opinions / Op-eds

The Supreme Court Ignored the 14th Amendment

In its court ruling on Roe v Wade, the Supreme Court did not completely resolve the implications of that decades-old case. The issue of abortion clearly divides our nation. But it doesn’t need to, since there is only one valid position based on the application of two irrefutable standards. The U.S. Constitution is the highest […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Pro-life with an Asterisk

How celebrated “pro-life” campaigners came to endorse abortions On Thursday, October 6, 2022, David Ripley, the Executive Director of Idaho Chooses Life, presented a draft resolution to the Ada County Republican Central Committee on behalf of Dennis Mansfield, Candidate for State Senate in District 16. Ripley and his organization have a long history of compromising […]

John Livingston

Does Government Money Trump the Beliefs of Catholic Hospitals?

Twenty to thirty percent of patients in our country receive their acute health care in hospitals that either have remained Catholic, or that continue to fly the “Catholic” banner. One hundred and fifty million people will be treated in a Catholic hospital in the USA this year. The history of modern-day health care throughout the […]

John Livingston

Biology Matters? – The Lies We Tell Ourselves

My Quaker grandmother and her mother were “suffragettes” who were early 20th century “feminists” The feminist movement at that time believed in the “uniqueness” of femininity and the unique perspective that a women could give to the civic discourse. It was very much appreciated back then that women were different than men. The needs of “family […]

Opinions / Op-eds

After Roe is Reversed

A preliminary Supreme Court opinion was leaked to the press on May 2, 2022, and the opinion was formally announced on June 24. The opinion was 5-4 (6-3 including Chief Justice John Roberts’ Concurring Opinion) The Court held: The Constitution does not confer a right to abortion; Roe and Casey are overruled; and the authority […]

John Livingston

St. Al’s is not a Catholic Hospital

Any discussion about abortion should be proceeded with the following statements: “There is no sin greater than God’s Providential Mercy and forgiveness” We should all examine the “logs in our own eyes before being critical of the slivers in the eyes of others”. And finally, we are called to remember that “he who is without […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

The Shameful Corporate Support for Abortion

Why are corporations leading the charge against the Supreme Court reversal on Roe v Wade?. You don’t have to look too hard to find that it is the corporate world who is vehemently against this decision purely for monetary reasons. Corporations were quick to come out and say they would be willing to pay for […]

John Livingston

Idaho is not California

If you were an owner or an investor in an abortion clinic in California future business couldn’t be looking better. I know such a person and he sent me the following information from the Guttmacher Institute—an organization that has always supported abortion. He considers himself to be “Pro Choice” I would like to ask upfront is […]

Gem State Patriot News