Opinions / Op-eds

The Supreme Court Ignored the 14th Amendment

In its court ruling on Roe v Wade, the Supreme Court did not completely resolve the implications of that decades-old case.

The issue of abortion clearly divides our nation. But it doesn’t need to, since there is only one valid position based on the application of two irrefutable standards.

The U.S. Constitution is the highest law of our land. Abortion is not specifically mentioned in that document; therefore it has been presumed the Tenth Amendment prevails: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

However, this assumption is incorrect, because the Fourteenth Amendment articulates specific State standards relating to abortion: “…Nor shall any State deprive any person of life … without due process of law.” Every abortion takes the life of an unborn child without due process of law. The unborn child faces the death penalty for no reason other than that he or she exists. The child is sentenced to die without charges, defense, jury or judge. Those who should be the child’s advocate (mother, doctor) can carry out this sentence if “authorized” to do so by the state where the abortion occurs. But because the 14th Amendment essentially prohibits abortion, “pro-abortion” laws passed by the states violate the U.S. Constitution and should be deemed null and void.

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Abortion “laws” also violate the standard given to us by the Supreme Judge. God Almighty declared by the thunder of His voice and on stone tablets engraved by His finger, “Thou shall not murder” (Exodus 20: 13). Every abortion is pre-meditated murder. Every person is accountable to God for his or her actions. Individuals can choose to continue to seek, supply, or otherwise support abortion and thereby be complicit with murder. Or they can forsake this path of destruction and help women facing an unplanned pregnancy choose life for a child made in the image of God.

The Supreme Court justices and each of the sovereign states and its citizens must uphold the 14th Amendment’s protection of life. God’s standard of justice demands no less. Justices, do you fear God (Exodus 18:21)?

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