The State Land Board: Competing with our Private Businesses
The State Healthcare Exchange Costs & Problems
Stop Complaining and Do Something
Listening to the President speak last night was like watching my worst nightmare come true. Here is a man who ran his last election on hope, and change. Well after last night’s speech I can find few reasons for hope and the only change we are going to get is what he wants to impose […]
A Convention of States Argument
Let me be clear, I am against the popular notion that a Convention of the States under Article V of the Constitution is a solution to this nation’s woes. In fact, it is my belief that such a convention would threaten the very essence of Americanism as contemplated by our founding fathers. So you understand […]
You have to wonder if Speaker Bedke has been listening to the Kevin Miller show because we have been talking about high uncompetitive taxes in our state for the past 4 or 5 months. Is it an epiphany they are having or is it worry over the primary elections. In any case it’s nice to […]