Bill Dentzer wrote a great article in the Idaho Statesman August 10th on Idaho’s system of awarding State Contracts, but what he didn’t cover was why no one has tried to fix this byzantine system of 40 years or more.

Bill Dentzer wrote a great article in the Idaho Statesman August 10th on Idaho’s system of awarding State Contracts, but what he didn’t cover was why no one has tried to fix this byzantine system of 40 years or more.
The Republican Liberty Caucus of Idaho (RLC-ID) hosted their annual Liberty Expo in Coeur d’Alene on August 13 – 15th. This year was quite a spectacular event with 20 substantial conservative speakers, four feature films shown twice each and 3 lunch and dinner banquets and marqueeing the renowned writer G. Edward Griffin, author of the classics […]
Leader of the newly formed Hayden Area Tea Party, Jim Polzin, is pleased to announce that Idaho State Representative Ron Mendive will be speaking at their meeting on Wednesday, Aug 19th @ 6:30 at the Hayden Library in the large conference room.
Dear Patriots, I’ve taken sabbatical from the rigors of political rumpus these last few weeks not able to congeal the slop I hear on radio upon occasion to write cognitively about. The respite has felt good even though I’ve grumbled about most everything I’ve heard from the de-Jenner-ation of American society to the political expedience […]
“Everyone wants to live at the expense of the state. They forget that the state lives at the expense of everyone.” — Frederic Bastiat
The power to name is the power to control and the power to rename grants the same power over something or someone. For instance, those pushing for abortion understood how repulsive and evil the practice is so they changed the name from murder to “abortion”.
Friday, August 14, marks the 80th anniversary of Franklin Roosevelt’s signing of the Social Security Act of 1935 into law. But is this landmark anniversary a cause for celebration? After all, the octogenarian government agency appears to be in worse financial condition than the octogenarian retirees it was supposedly designed to help.
When Idaho State Representative Heather Scott learned that the Veterans Administration (VA) was about to descend on a veteran living in her district and confiscate his firearms, she enlisted the power of the Internet.
The non-scientific Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) mandate to lower arsenic levels in drinking water from 50 parts per billion to 10 ppb is not based on scientific research, and will needlessly cost taxpayers millions of dollars to comply.
Did you know that your individual liberty and national independence are being negotiated away by our State Department in new trade agreements? NAFTA has resulted in the loss of a million jobs and caused 40,000 factories to close or relocate out of the USA. The two new trade agreements will be NAFTA on steroids.
Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO) were created in 1962 for cities with greater than 50,000 population to assist with transportation development and city planning.
It may be impolite to target UN affiliated lobbyists by assuming they are lobbying for UN interests. A more in-depth look is needed to review their activity and validate this accusation.