
It Is Our Time to Hold the Line

(Speech at St Maries Memorial Day service) “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” Christ spoke these words 2,000 years ago. Here today we remember the men and women who loved their friends. Who loved their families. Their hometowns. Their country. And their God.


Getting Bibles Back in Our Schools

Over 80% of the 200-plus voting Idaho Republican State Central Committee members were represented at the Committee’s summer meeting held on June 5-6, 2015. These Committee members are elected to represent Republicans in every Idaho county and legislative district.


Socialists are Parasites and They Ruin the Health of a Nation

Nothing spends like other peoples’ money! And as England’s Lady Margaret Thatcher once said, “The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money.”


The Mindset of Politicians Today

The problem with political jokes is that they get elected. You’ve probably heard it before about how well-meaning politicians of deep patriotic intentions arrive in DC or Boise to be slowly transformed into different men and women by incredibly skilled professional lobbyists and PAC’s who begin swaying their interests through deal making, lies, perks and […]


Welcome to the United Nations of Idaho

If Idahoans don’t believe the United Nations (UN) has any influence on their lives in Idaho, they need to take another look at how the UN is operating here.


Gallup: Americans Say Federal Government is Number One Problem

— Reprinted with Permission of The New American magazine — According to a recent Gallup poll, Americans have named the federal government as the most important U.S. problem for four months in a row, noting that “dissatisfaction with government is by no means a new issue,” having been at or near the top in its surveys […]


Frogs, Boiling Water and the Normalcy Bias

In the last essay, “From Madison to Machiavelli”, I referenced a quote by James Madison, “I believe there are more instances of the abridgment of freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments by those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations.”


A New Tea Party is Born in Hayden, Idaho

Hayden Tea Party Meets Wed. June 17th at Hayden Library After last month’s inaugural meeting of the Hayden Tea Party, co-organizers Jim Polzin and Pam Stout are pleased to announce that interest following that meeting has demanded a follow-up meeting this month even though we are going into summer months. The Hayden Library will once again […]

Gem State Patriot TV News

Bob Neugebauer talks with former Sen. Russ Fulcher about increasing health insurance premiums

Bob Neugebauer talks with former Sen. Russ Fulcher about increasing health insurance premiums

Gem State Patriot TV News

Idaho Braces for Wave of 2000 Islamic Syrian Immigrants

Bob Neugebauer talks with former Sen. Russ Fulcher about the potential influx of 2000 Islamic Syrian Immigrants into Idaho


Northwest Liberty Academy Updates

Please see the documents below for updated information on the 2015 Northwest Liberty Academy featuring Tom Woods, Connor Boyack, Kris Anne Hall and many others. This year’s academy runs from June 17 – June 20. Click here to visit the Northwest Liberty Academy website.


Senator Sessions to Obama: Stop Fast Track Push, Release Secret Trade Documents

— Reprinted with Permission of The New American magazine — Today, U.S. Senator Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), chairman of the Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest, publicly released a letter he had sent to President Obama on June 5, demanding answers to questions he had asked in a similar letter a month earlier, as well […]

Gem State Patriot News