The West Ada School district (Meridian, Star, Eagle) is asking voters to approve another operational levy on November 3.
Another Levy? Why?

The West Ada School district (Meridian, Star, Eagle) is asking voters to approve another operational levy on November 3.
At a meeting I attended recently some fine ‘real’ conservative Republicans were speaking about how sorry some Democrats in the community are, touting big government and its endless wonderful programs being so good for us.
How many words and terms have changed to work your world against you? What did Gay used to mean? How about a new cliché’; The new Normal? Some how does it not fit? Illegal Aliens, now undocumented workers? How about Illegal immigrants? Refuges are now Migrants.
Approximately ten years ago when the Idaho Charter School Commission was formed, a commission member was also an active foundation member of K12, Inc. If that member had resigned from K12, Inc., there would not have been a “conflict of interest.”
While many of us are enjoying a wonderful fall, bureaucrats and lobbyists are busy drafting more rules, fees and regulations that they hope will slip by without much citizen input or opposition.
“The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant.” ― Maximilien Robespierre
One of the most devastating attacks of World War II by the allies was the raid on Dresden, Germany. It happened on February 13th & 14th, 1945.
What led to America becoming the greatest country in the history of the world for individual rights and economic freedom?
Sustainability and Certification Scams National and Idaho forest lands are governed by federal laws, the United States Forest Service (USFS), and the Idaho Forest Practice Act (IFPA).
A powerful new documentary, more than two hours in length, entitled ShadowRing does a masterful job of exposing the globalist Council on Foreign Relations, its power over U.S. policy and both major political parties, and its radical agenda to strip Americans of their God-given rights and national sovereignty.
Ever since Donald Trump rose to front-runner status in the 2016 GOP presidential field, we’ve heard dismissive talk about how he’s not a “serious” candidate.
As I reported on October 6, the Strong Cities Network (SCN) is a program hatched by the Department of Justice wherein control of local law enforcement is handed over to a London-based think-tank called the Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD).