
Documentary ‘Climate Hustle’ Exposes Global-warming Con Job

PARIS — For all those who still have to deal with that crazy uncle over the Christmas season who insists that human emissions of the gas of life, or carbon dioxide, are causing dangerous global warming, fear not — the solution has arrived. It is called Climate Hustle, and it masterfully debunks the claims of […]


Critics Slam Study Claiming E-Cigarettes as Dangerous as Regular Ones

There is perhaps no better proof of the federal government’s collusion with Big Pharma than the government’s crusade against “vaping” — inhaling or exhaling the vapor produced by an electronic cigarette. Testimony from experts reveals that vaping is less harmful than smoking and can be an effective tool in helping smokers kick the habit. As such, […]


Tennessee, South Carolina Could ‘Green Light’ Weaponized Police Drones

If a pair of bills are passed by lawmakers in South Carolina and Tennessee, law-enforcement agencies in those states could get a green light for weaponizing drones. The Tennessee measure — HB 1456 — is sponsored by state Representative David Byrd; the similar South Carolina bill — HB 4425 — was prefiled by state Representative […]

News Newsletter Index

Gem State Patriot Newsletter – Volume 48

Welcome to the latest edition of our web-based Gem State Patriot newsletter. This interactive newsletter allows comments and discussion and can be easily shared via social media. Please enjoy the following articles included in this edition of the Gem State Patriot.

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Is Medicaid Expansion being forced on Idaho? Just Say No!

This appears to be the Camel is sticking his nose under the government welfare tent to try to get Medicaid expansion into Idaho. We already depend on the Federal government for 36% of our state budget. This will just put us deeper in the Fed’s debt. Where does it stop? We have a Governor who […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

The Truth about CBD Oil

Why is it that Government says “NO” to perfectly good medicine? Because Big Pharma can’t patent it? Because Allopathic Doctors don’t understand it? Because there is no money to be made on it? Because Insurance doesn’t cover it? Because it does no harm, but the FDA won’t approve it to protect Big Pharma? The answer […]

John Livingston News

Healthcare and Pizza

As you’ll recall I wrote to you several weeks ago about my going into an independent pizza shop in Auburn California where they were advertising a “minimum wage pizza” I talked to the owner at length about his unusual marketing scheme and he told me that he employed 8 people who were receiving a minimum […]


The BBA Task Force Targets Idaho

It’s Time to Wake Up and ‘Patriot Up’ Idaho Legislators! “What good fortune for governments that men do not think.” – Adolf Hitler Idaho has been targeted with 12 other states by the shadowy originating forces behind the organizations driving to open an Article V Constitutional Convention (Con-Con) purportedly for creating a Balanced Budget Amendment […]


Theodore Roosevelt’s ideas on immigration in 1907

“In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But […]


Slow Day in Texas

It’s a slow day in a little West Texas town. The sun is beating down, and the streets are deserted. Times are tough, everybody is in debt, and everybody lives on credit. On this particular day a rich tourist from back east is driving through town. He stops at the motel and lays a $100 bill on the […]


Butch Otter’s Cold Hard Cash

“There is nothing more reliable than someone whose loyalty can be bought for hard cash.” Boris Balkan, the antagonist in the film, The Ninth Gate, With all of the discussion taking place on immigration these days, thanks in no small part to presidential candidate, Donald Trump, it is appropriate to compare the actions in this […]


Testimony for the Legislative tax working group meeting

Chairman Collins, Chairman Siddoway and Committee Members, thank you for taking my testimony. The essence of good tax policy is to provide revenue in a way that does the minimum damage to the economy. Prosperity is a function of economic growth and growth requires cash. If a manufacturing business wishes to double its output then […]

Gem State Patriot News