Bob's Words of Wisdom News

The Otter Pac Reeks of Cronyism

When our Governor speaks about the reddest of the red states he must be talking about Wyoming because with the legislators we currently have in office there is no way you could consider Idaho a Red State. According to the Idaho Freedom Foundation’s Freedom Index, we aren’t even close to being a red state. The […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Why Conservatives are their own Worst Enemies

Has District One Gone Mad? Can someone please tell us what the heck is going on in the District 1 Bonner and Boundary Counties? Republicans won two seats for strong conservatives Sage Dixon and Heather Scott in the last election. The last piece of the puzzle to complete this transition is to dump Senator Shawn […]


Dump the Essential Health Benefits Mandate from Obamacare

Want to Attack Rising Health Insurance Premiums? Sign My Petition to Dump the Essential Health Benefits Rule from Obamacare. Health insurance premiums keep rising. Industry studies show higher premiums across the country by an average of 41% in 2013 on individuals and 11-12% in 2014 in the individual and small group markets. In 2015, those […]


REAL ID Act and the Cybersecurity Act of 2015: Looming Threats to Privacy and States’ Sovereignty

There is a full court press on currently by the Obama administration to take control of citizens like never before from warrantless surveillance to finally trying to enforce the, up till now, languishing effort to force us into a federal ID program known as REAL ID. WARRANTLESS SURVEILLANCE WAS PASSED WITHOUT YOUR KNOWLEDGE To start […]


Hammond Ranch

Tis the season to be jolly that is unless you’re Dwight and Steven Hammond who face jail time after this holiday season for terrorism. Yes this home grown father and son pair have been convicted under “terrorist statutes” and will spend 5 years behind bars for their dastardly deeds. What so heinous a crime you […]


What AG Loretta Lynch Actually Said

On December 03, 2015, one day after Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik, a Muslim married couple of Pakistani birth, slaughtered 14 and injured another 21 people at a San Bernardino Department of Public Health training event and Christmas party, U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch spoke at the White House Convening on Incarceration and Poverty. […]


Obfuscation and the Trans-Pacific Partnership

There are times when things just do not add up. When they don’t, you try and get answers. When you receive non-answers, — in other words, answers to questions you did not ask, — as your original concerns remain unanswered, — that is a real head scratcher. I wrote my Congressional Representative a number of times […]


The Meaning of the Constitution

[Abstract: It is critical for U.S. citizens to decide what meaning of the U.S. Constitution’s term “natural born citizen” results in a U.S. citizen and prospective Commander-in-Chief who is free from all possibility of foreign alliance through either his parentage or place of birth.] I have spent considerable time during the past few years studying […]


DHS: States’ Refusal to Implement REAL ID Could Ground Residents

Starting next year, residents of four states plus American Samoa may be unable to use their driver’s licenses as identification for boarding an airplane or entering certain federal buildings if the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) gets it way. Under the current schedule, beginning January 1 DHS plans to require U.S. residents wishing to fly […]


OPEC Ignores Crude Oil Glut, Vows to Continue Pumping Flat Out

Following a contentious six-hour meeting on Friday, OPEC oil ministers meeting in Vienna announced that nothing will change: They will continue to pump at maximum rates despite the growing glut of oil in the world. Predictably, crude oil prices dropped, along with wholesale gasoline prices. The fragile cartel’s members are pumping close to 31.5 mbd […]


Amash, Massie Warn of Secret Surveillance Provision in Spending Package

The conspiracy of Republican and Democrat congressional leaders to hide a massive surveillance bill inside the $1.1-trillion spending package passed last week has drawn the criticism of a couple of constitutionally consistent congressmen. Representatives Justin Amash (R-Mich.; shown on right) and Thomas Massie (R-Ky.; left) have issued statements vilifying the omnibus spending bill’s provision implementing […]


Bill Ayers and Helping Obama, Hillary, Bernie Look Moderate

Bill Ayers. Remember him?: Unrepentant terrorist, SDS riotmaker, pal and political mentor of young Barack Obama, and putative author/ghostwriter of Obama’s famous 1995 memoir, Dreams of My Father.  In 2011, Ayers (shown) publicly claimed authorship of Dreams (see video of Ayers here ) after Dr. Jack Cashill’s forensic literary analysis — in a 2008 article and his […]

Gem State Patriot News