Y2Y – The Government Scheme to Move You Out
How Crazy Do the ‘Crazies’ Get? This Crazy!

Y2Y – The Government Scheme to Move You Out
It is easy to imagine thousands of Sears and K-Mart stores sprinkled across the country. It took each of these corporations over one hundred years, including many national economic downturns and corporate bankruptcy periods to reach a point that in November 2004 resulted in K-Mart acquiring Sears for a venture encompassing assets worth 11 billion […]
Obama, Hillary and leading Democrats aren’t even attempting to hide or moderate their views anymore. They are out of the closet. It’s the “Full Monty.” Or in this case, “The Full Socialist.” There’s no hiding it anymore. They are loud, proud and radical left. Democrats can’t even see “center” from their homes anymore. But it […]
The decision to run for the office of State Representative for District 2, Seat B, was not an easy one. I really like the current representative as a person and as a friend, but as the 2015 legislative session progressed, I was increasingly frustrated at the way the votes were going against freedom and were […]
A few things to consider about sunscreen and sun exposure as we move into summer. Being an active hiker, kayaker and runner living on the Big Island of Hawaii, I had constant sun exposure. Because I ate all organic, to be safe, I assumed sunscreen was similar and I regularly used Alba Botanica Organic Lavender […]
I expect we’ve all heard the phrase, “three coequal branches” used to describe the composition of our federal system of government. In fact, we’ve probably heard it so many times that we don’t even pay attention, we just accept it as fact and move on. But, is it true? Are the three branches of our […]
BIO: Mr. Macomber is a land-use and real estate attorney in Coeur d’Alene running against Luke Malek (R-Coeur d’Alene) in the May 17 Republican primary for the House District 4A position. There were major battles in the Idaho legislature in 2016, including the permitless carry bill which passed, and the continuing drive for Medicaid expansion, […]
Debunking Darwinian Evolution Since I was a child raised in the California Coast Ranges, I have enjoyed science, history, and learning. Oh, the excitement when I found an obsidian arrowhead in the hills; or when I was able to call in a fox and get a photo of the fox with my parents’ old 1950s […]
Boise, Idaho — Fulfilling its mission to hold lawmakers accountable for their votes, on Wednesday the Idaho Freedom Foundation released its final Freedom Index. The Freedom Index serves as Idaho’s only scorecard to keep legislators accountable when they support big government, higher taxes, and more counterproductive rules and regulations. IFF Senior Policy Director Lindsay Russell […]
APRIL 19, 2016, from noon until 1:30 PM at the State Capitol Building Ben Franklin is BACK!! – Alive and kicking and fighting for Liberty. Please join Ben and a host of well-known patriots which include, Bettie Ross, Davie Crockett, Patrick Henry and Abraham Lincoln for the Annual Patriots Day Rally on the Capitol steps. […]
– Reprinted with Permission of The John Birch Society – Because the enemies of freedom never sleep, the guardians of liberty must remain ever vigilant, and ever ready to combat treachery. Several decades ago, federal planners sought to assign a new status for each of our nation’s states. No longer would there be 50 individual […]
– Reprinted with the Permission of The New American.com – What does it say when in two days a teacher exhausts the ink in his red pen? Since a nation cannot be “ignorant and free,” as Thomas Jefferson put it, it perhaps means we face a threat graver than the Red Menace. Apathetic or even […]