
Congressional ‘Magic’ vs. the Constitution

In recent years, it appears that an average day in Washington DC begins and ends with one common tenet: ‘Nothing spends like other peoples’ money.’ By design of the federal government, the largess of federal money we receive here in Idaho is intended to be thought of as benevolent assistance from the federal government, but perhaps […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Idaho has its Own Swamp that Needs Draining

Even though the grocery tax is one of the most regressive taxes we impose on Idaho’s citizens, there is no appetite in our legislature’s hierarchy to grant any relief to those hurt most by this egregious tax. Mike Moyle has introduced a tax bill that would exempt the first $750 of income from exemption but […]


Convention of the States: Historic Simulation

This discussion concerns the call for a constitutional convention based on Article V of the U.S. Constitution. Although we feel that to call for an Article V convention would be a mistake, we do recognize that there are strong arguments on both sides. It is therefore important to keep our comments civil as we deal […]


President Donald Trump Is Already the Greatest Conservative President in Modern History

Up until now, Ronald Reagan was my favorite president in modern history. But remarkably, President Donald Trump has passed my hero Reagan in his first 6 days. President Trump makes President Reagan look like he was standing in quicksand. Trump makes Reagan look like a slacker. Trump makes Reagan look like a liberal (almost). I was honored […]


Why the Irrelevant Left and the Sorrys on the Right Might Get ‘Drained’

The Democrat Party is now irrelevant. The far left socialist crazies that have totally hijacked the once proud Democrat Party are so at loss for any meaningful purpose-in-being after the wretched Obama years of destruction that they are now proven to be absolutely baseless and devoid of any justifiable positions going forward due to their […]


Course Correction

I recently discovered a pamphlet in a pile of materials on my desk that was waiting to be sorted. The pamphlet contained the text of a speech given by former Nixon administration official, Constitution Party founder, and champion of the conservative cause, Howard Phillips. The speech, titled, “Under What Authority?,” was given as the keynote […]


Indian ‘Nations’ — and other sham terms: Let’s Speak Clearly and Truthfully

“We in America do not have government by the majority—we have government by the majority who participate…All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.” —Thomas Jefferson How often do we hear that “Treaties are the supreme law of the land,” or that American Indian Tribes are “First Nations?” […]


Rogue Agents in Overreaching Agencies, Such as the BLM And USFS Need Reigning in & Prosecuted

SEE BOTTOM 2 ATTACHMENTS FOR SOME GOOD NEWS! The story on the top link below is chilling and comes to me from my long-time friend, Chris Kortlander; founding director of the Custer Battlefield Museum located in Garryowen, MT, a private town he owns located on the battlefield. Chris was harassed immensely by the BLM, National […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Who Are all These Idaho Legislators Calling for A Con-Con?

I’m writing this in reply to an article run in the Idaho Statesman on January 21, 2017. Marv Hagedorn hasn’t got a clue about the possible implications of a Constitutional Convention nor do any of the other legislators backing this idea. Mind you this is a man who wants to be Lt. Governor of our state […]


Damn the Iceberg! Full Steam Ahead!

Governor Otter has vowed to stay the course on his education plan. In his proposed budget message, he referred to the governor’s task force recommendations for education. This task force was formed December 2012 following the overwhelming defeat of Props 1, 2, and 3 also known as the Luna Laws. The recommendations were reported September […]


Soros; a Modern Goebbelist – Part 1 of 3

“A lie told once remains a lie, but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth.” – Joseph Goebbels Vladimir Lenin, Leon Trotsky, Francesco Gramsci and Saul Alinsky were all malevolent masterminds of manipulating others into becoming willing puppets of the State. Lenin’s “What Is to Be Done?;” Trotsky’s “In Defense of Marxism,” Gramsci’s […]


Soros: A Modern Goebbelist – Part 2 of 3

The truth is the greatest enemy of the State. – Joseph Goebbels Recall President Barack Obama’s unwitting live microphone comments to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev in March of 2012. “This is my last election;” he whispered “After my election, I have more flexibility. Then, during the 2014 Ukrainian crisis, when Russia invaded and retook its […]

Gem State Patriot News