
Radical greens’ DAPL assaults meet terrorist criteria under Patriot Act

— Published with Permission of — “…perpetrating acts of terrorism under the U.S. Patriot Act, including destruction of an energy facility, destruction of hazardous liquid pipeline facility, arson and bombing of government property risking or causing injury or death, arson and bombing of property used in interstate commerce, and depredation of government property; and (xiii) […]

News Opinions / Op-eds

Guest Opinion: Reflections on the Passing of Cecil Andrus

Idaho Democrats and media folks will be making much this week of Cecil Andrus, the recently deceased former governor of Idaho. And, honestly, there is much about Andrus’ career which is very noteworthy. There is no doubt, for instance, that he is one of the state’s most effective politicians. With his time as Interior Secretary […]

News Opinions / Op-eds

Gary Raney’s Comments on Pardon of Joe Arpaio Reflect Shallow Thought

Gary Raney said he is bothered by the Joe Arpaio pardon on “…the law enforcement front, the constitutional law front, and the presidential pardon authority front.” Okay… Raney is far from a constitutional scholar. We know that because as Ada County Sheriff he is on record answering the hypothetical question about standing in the way […]

News Opinions / Op-eds

A Plea From a Distraught Middle-Class Mother

I am an S.O.B. (son of a butcher). I see every issue through the eyes of my beloved butcher father David Root. That’s how I knew Donald Trump would win the election when few others did. It’s because I clearly see the attack on middle-class America. I see the dramatic decline of middle-class America. I understand […]

News Opinions / Op-eds

Is Obama Behind this Coup versus President Trump?

Many of President Trump’s conversations with world leaders have been leaked. Just days ago, we saw an exact transcript of his conversation with the president of Mexico. This is something that has never happened in America’s history. Did you even know anyone listened in and recorded the private conversations of the President of the United […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Another Betsy Russell Hit Piece on Rep. Heather Scott

Should you enjoy reading trash here is the link to Russell’s inane article on Heather Scott. Maybe it’s time to cancel your subscriptions to the Spokesman-Review? Why is our very own liberal media hack Betsy Russell so concerned about a Facebook post by Rep. Heather Scott mentioning White Nationalism? She should be examining the role […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Who is Michael Snyder, Candidate for Idaho’s First Congressional District?

We recently had the pleasure of interviewing Michael Snyder, a candidate for Idaho’s first congressional district seat. Michael is 47 years old, married with one child, and a former resident of Washington D.C. who now resides in Bonners Ferry. He has a Bachelor of Science degree and a Law degree from the University of Florida […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Luke Malek is a Phony and a Crony

A couple of quick political comments on Luke Malek and Governor Otter. Malek’s entry into Idaho’s first district congressional race is nothing more than a way to dilute and redistribute the vote by the crony establishment in an attempt to keep Russ Fulcher from winning. It’s no different than the payback comment that Otter threw […]


What Really Happened In Charlottesville?

Last week’s Charlottesville, VA display of the utter anarchy being foisted upon us is just the beginning until we give up and say “Ok take control of all our government because we prefer peace and security.” Having our peaceful existence and freedoms stolen from us by young street violent anarchist thugs who are in our face interrupting […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Riverside Hotel Caves to Leftist Threats, Cancels IFF Event

Losing our Freedom of Speech A few days ago, the Idaho Freedom Foundation (IFF) was forced to change the venue for their dinner because of threats or pressure from the left to the Riverside Hotel management, presumably about their guest speaker Charles Murray. Governor Otter keeps telling us that we are the reddest of the […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Time for Rep. Kelley Packer to Pack her Baggage and Find a Real Job

Why is it that we have so few truly conservative candidates running for office in this reddest of the red states? When we look at the list for Lieutenant Governor, I have to cringe, bow my head, and pray that the bad ones don’t get elected. Let’s examine Representative Kelley Packer a three-term member of […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

History Needs to be Remembered

There is an old quote by George Santayana, and in its original form it read, ‘Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.’ As we continue to tear down the monuments of our historical past and refuse to teach this history in our schools, our children will surely forget these terrible mistakes […]

Gem State Patriot News